Chapter Six Times Change

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In heaven they used to teach us that a humans eyes were a way to tell what they were truly fealing. Back then I didn't believe it; but now, starring into the beautiful eyes of this mundane. I see sadness, and I can only think of taking away that sadness. 

Reaching forward to try and help her up I lay my hand on her arm. Flinching, she pulls away. That hurt me more than even falling did, and I can't understand why.

Abandoning the idea of bring her up to me, I decide to sit with her. Bringing my legs underneath me I sit down between her and a small fire I created with some of my magic, to give light during the night, and try to come up with a plan to get Klee to trust me again.  After what happened when we got back to my house, I doubt that will be easy. 


Walking with Klee in my arms I was so lost in thought that I forgot to wake her up before arriving.  Deciding to deal with it later I just took her and put her in my bed.  Heading back out to the kitchen I see Xander returning with a couple dead rabbits and a small faun. 

Walking over to him I grab his arm and pull him away from the house, saying we needed to talk.  However he wouldn't listen to me suddenly telling him to do something so he just grabbed me and drug me to the kitchen. 

"What in the name of Hell has gotten into you Vladimir?  You know not to try and manhandle me, so why now!"  Xander says rather indignantly. 

"Be quite, I have some explaining to do.  Please just listen, I don't want to say this again."  I plead with him. 

"Fine.  But you better have a damn good explanation for grabbing me, and why I feel a mundane in your room."  He says rather angry.

"Shit." I say under my breath.  "The mundane is Klee.  I found her in the forest when I went to the north to cut firewood.  She was hiding in the tree I cut down.  She saw my wings. And I kinda kidnapped her and invited her to stay with us after she told me she was being forced into an arranged marriage. And"

"Stop."  Xander said, suddenly cutting me off.  "Tell me exactly what happened, in order from when you left the house to now." He said in obviously barely contained rage.

Following his demands I tell him everything about the day, only leaving out me having my wings out and the singing.  I told him the only reason she my wings was I had to fly up to cut the limbs off the tree to get our firewood.

Seeing that Xander was about to ask questions I just sat back again the chair I was in and waited.  "Three questions, and answer honestly.  Why didn't you climb the tree?  Why didn't you just kill her, and for the love of the Pit why did you invite her back to OUR home?"   He says, making me gain a small grin. 

"Well for starters, it was safer to fly.  I may heal, but it still hurts like a bitch.  I couldn't kill her because of my curse, and brother I have to say you are lucky to never have one.  I would have just dropped her, and I tried to.  My curse stopped me tho.  I only invited her back home to keep an eye on her, and see if you would kill her for me instead?  Since I physically can't harm her, directly or indirectly it seems." 

"No." He said simply.


"You heard me Vlad.  Your mess, you clean it up.  I don't care what you do, I just don't want to see her.  She has to leave, and you have to make sure she stays gone."

"Fine.  If you won't help I'll just take her back to her father.  He won't believe I have wings if I hide them in my back. 

"Good, you should probably go catch her then.  She just started running south after you said that. 


"I don't understand, I know I lied to Xander.  At least about trying to kill her, or even wanting to kill her.   The only thing is Klee doesn't know that.  Well, no better place to start than the beginning, or maybe an apology and then the beginning in this case."  I quietly think to myself. 

Turning towards Klee I see she fell asleep once again, but I don't blame her.  Running nearly a mile in the forest along with her hectic day she deserved more than a little nap on the way home.

"Klee." I say soothingly as I gently shake her awake.

"What do you want Vladimir?" She replies with, in a harsh tone.

"I'm sorry for saying those things...I lied to Xander when I told him about wanting to kill you.  I could never kill you...I just feel connected to you.  Like you are a part of me, and I don't understand it.  You are so beautiful, yet so young.  I could never harm you, and I don't intend on letting you go.  I won't let any harm come to you.  I swear on my wings."  Which unbeknownst to her was by far the most serious thing I could swear on.

"Are you serious?  You don't want me to leave?  I don't care if you kill me, but I just don't want to live without you.  I couldn't live without you, like you said.  I feel connected to you, like I'm meant to be by your side."  She says with a faint red tinge to her cheeks. 

"I won't kill you, you can hide in my room until I can build you a hut to come visit you in.  Is that okay?" 

Her cheeks go back to normal and she seems a bit hesitant.  "I'll go with you, and that sounds nice...thank you." She says just as tears begin to well up within her eyes. Not knowing why she is crying I reach over and wrap my arms around her. She is sobbing hysterically which is why it takes me a minute to realize she was clinging to me with a strength I had not thought was possible in a mundane.  Realize they are tears of joy, I pick her up from our spot outside, by a now dead fire, and carry her in my arms back to camp.  Slowly casting a simple concealing spell on her so Xander wouldn't notice her presence again. 

Taking her to my room I decide to share a bed with her tonight.  Laying down I position her on on the bed to where she is draped over me and her head on my chest. The sobbing is unrelenting so I do the one thing that seems to help her, I sing a song that my father used to sing to me when I cried.

I'm sorry a phone call
Is the best I could do at this time
Your busy
But this on again off again
Is start'n to mess with my mind
So baby

Cover your eyes
It can't hurt forever
Soon I wont ever cross your mind
Cover your eyes
It don't see me going
There's no way of knowing
When it's time to cry
Cover your eyes

Darl'n if you wake up tomorrow
And everything seems different
If I only exists as a name
On your telephone screen
Well hey listen

Cover your eyes
It can't hurt forever
Soon I wont ever cross your mind
Cover your eyes
It don't see me going
There's no way of knowing
When it's time to cry
Cover your eyes

Cover your eyes
It can't hurt forever
Soon I wont ever cross your mind
Cover your eyes
It don't see me going
There's no way of knowing
When it's time to cry
Cover your eyes
(Cover your eyes by Jamey Johnson)

As I finish singing I realize she has stopped crying, but is still clinging to me.  "Klee..." I say with no small amount of trepidation.

"Yes Vladimir?"  She says without looking at me, speaking into my chest. 

"I think I love you..."

This time she does look up.  "I love you too."  She says as she kisses me and we drift off to sleep for a hopefully brighter future.

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