Chapter 19 Societies

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Anna the Priest, Caine the Faultless, and Lupin the Lycan. Caine and Lupins memories were wiped during their creation to make them perfect soldiers, so a new name was needed for each. Both rather fitting, Lupin meaning wolf, and Caine was the first ever dark human, both names fit the races rather well. Anna was the only one who was able to fly, since I gave her and only her wings, on Xander's bequest. After the creation of our children Xander ordered Lupin to go infect the nearest town with his bite, then bring them all to this spot in exactly a month. Caine was sent to a alternate dimension, with about thirty female Mundanes Xander and I found to start out the breeding process. We also told him to come back in a month, to explain to them about how their society works and what their jobs will be.

Anna was a different story, since she is female she has to carry the next generation of her race. While Xander and myself both would love the opportunity to bed the woman, she wouldn't let us touch her unless love was involved. Not really a problem, I'll just have to wait for her to fall for me. I know it's possible, I just don't have the time to charm her. With the plans for the two new races, and my ideas for Anna's race, my head was far to full. However it did produce one fortunate side effect, with all the thoughts in my head the month passed very quickly and before I knew it a pack of fifty or so dire-wolves arrived at our camp, followed closely by a portal depositing Caine next to the largest of the pack.

"Welcome to your new home, we will be moving around a little bit to find a suitable home, but until then you are with us." I say as Xander walks up behind me from his tent.

"Bed down for the night, we start your education and training at sunrise." Xander says as all our children instantly start to make small circles before laying in the grass, all of them with the single exception of Caine, who pitched a tent next to Xander's. Copying Anna, who had her tent pitched next to mine putting Xander and I in the middle of the four tent row, facing a large pack of sleeping


"Lupin! Caine!"  Xander calls out.  "You two up here first, Caine go to Vlad.  He will explain your society to you.  Lupin I'll do the same for yours."  Xander finishes as the two new immortals go to their appointed spots. 

"Anna my dear, I'll explain your society tonight.   It will take all day for use to get these two situated.  For now just stay with me."  I say to my daughter. 

"So, since you are the only one so far today shouldn't be to hard.  Xander has a whole pack already, that's why I'm stuck with both of you."  I tell Caine and Anna.  "Just follow me, and we will get started."  I tell them as I fly a small ways away from the camp, with Anna close behind.

"So Master Vlad, I'm meant to be a shade right?  However I haven't been inhabited yet?  Why not?"  Caine said once he caught up to Anna and me. 

"It's all about your society, as you have surely noticed you have a sixteen year old body.  That's because you need to breed more Faultless before you can be inhabited." 

"I think I understand, but why can't I breed after I'm a shade?"  Caine inquires.

"Something about become a shade makes you sterile, you can still enjoy the physical aspect, but you will never have children after you become a shade." 

"That makes sense.  Can you explain my society, and tell me when I'll be inhabited?"

"They are one and the same.  Your society is rather simple, at sixteen all males go into the breeding program.  You are locked in a building with women anywhere between eighteen and twenty-five.  Some will be Faultless, others may be Mundanes, it doesn't matter really because your Faultless genes will breed true and a pure blood Faultless will be born as long as one partner is Faultless."  At this point I take a break to sit down and pull Anna to me, having her sit next to me, whilst Caine sits opposite to us.  Soaking in all the information I'm giving him.  "After four years in the breeding program the males will leave at age twenty to go on a journey to the Alter.  The Alter will be guarded by many dangerous creatures, all of which he must kill to prove himself.  Once to the Alter the Faultless will lay on his back after devoiding himself of any possessions, clothes included.  At this point you will be inhabited and turned into a shade.  Once your transformation is complete you will have a dark black eyes with a white iris, black hair, and by far the largest change will be a set of bat like wings. This will make you far more dangerous to angels and the like. Since you will be able to combat them in the air. After that you will go to a different area and train for another two years before coming to Earth and reporting to Xander and myself.  At this point we will send you on missions to kill Angels, slay Demons, even assassinate people we just don't like, but above all you will be the defense this planet has from anything wishing to destroy it.  We like this planet, and I don't think we will be leaving anytime soon." 

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