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Season seven episode nine 'slow night, so long'

Adeline cringed as she was forced to sit between Alex and Jackson after last night's events. April almost lost her virginity to Alex who simply wanted a quick and casual one night stand and offended April. Adeline and Jackson were quick to comfort their friend but Jackson saw red when the man came bounding up the stairs to the housewarming party, breaking a glass coffee table and punching Alex several times in the face. Adeline wasn't on either person's side, standing by April as she ignored both men for the remainder of the night and took April home. She could understand why her roommate was upset but at the same time it was Alex; he rarely showed his feelings and when he did he was in it for the long run, like with Izzie. But April would be no Izzie to him. Adeline was furious with Jackson's sudden temper change, wanting to put as much space between herself and him whilst he got pulled off by Mark and had Lexie icing his hands. The remainder of the night was spent ordering greasy takeout with April along with a few drinks. They would both be on the night shift the following day so could drink as much as they wanted and sleep off their hangover before they started their shift. Their hangover wasn't as bad as they expected; some aspirin and water did the trick with plenty of rest.

Adeline had kindly accepted Meredith's offer to carpool as April started a little later than Adeline and it saved her walking in the windy night. She regretted her decision as soon as she was squished between Alex and Jackson, Lexie in the front seat and Meredith driving. You could cut the tension in the vehicle with a knife.

"Nice face." Jackson peered over across Adeline and at Alex, smirking at the bruises forming in his face. After both of the males cooled down and arrived at their home, they said their apologies and moved on. Jackson remembered hearing Adeline yell at him to stop and he felt guilty that he didn't, he was defending April, one of his closest friends. He was sure that if the situation was switched, Alex would do the same. Hell, even Mark. Adeline had a whole army of surgeons behind her. Lexie had helped soothe the pain on his knuckles, go on and on about how stupid it was. The whole time during his lecture he looked at Adeline, wanting to mouth an apology before she left. Now he sat beside her and just wanted to grab her hand. He was sure he had ruined all his chances with her, there was no way she could continue to be so forgiving.

"At least I can do surgery." Both males snorted, causing Adeline to raise her eyebrows and share a look with Meredith in her mirror. The driver shrugged, unsure and confused as to how cool they were. "How's that hand?" Alex teased making Adeline look down at Jackson's bruised knuckles with a couple of small split openings.

"Uh, it'd be better if you hadn't run your face into it." The males shared a grin, noticing the confusion between the girls.

"So he beats the hell out of you and now you're laughing about it?" Meredith looked into the mirror, quickly looking between Alex and Jackson as they nodded. It wasn't that big of a deal to them.

"Eh, men move on from stuff like that pretty easily." Alex quickly explained as Meredith parked her car opting to go into the underground carpark. All five of them piled out of the car, Alex slamming his door so Adeline had no choice but to crawl after Jackson. Meredith fell in line with Lexie as they walked with Alex in the middle behind them. Jackson and Adeline naturally walked beside one another but the silence remained, Adeline still pissed off from his actions the night before. Meredith used her pass to open the elevator, the group piling into it as she pressed for the main floor.Exiting the elevator, Adeline was the first out, her mouth opening wide as she yawned. Adeline was usually very good with her sleeping pattern and was surprised to find herself yawning again. It seemed never ending, Mark pointing it out as they approached the attendings as they were dressed in their casual clothes, gathering around the large front desk.

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