The Proposal

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It was final, that witch was making me get married. One after another, she was matching me with tall rich men. I never wished to get married but my coming of age has made my Mother go crazy. I want to be a working woman, not a housewife. My face scrunched at the thought of marriage, I lost balance at the anger causing me to start to fall. A servant ran and grabbed me before I had fallen in the pond. "Be more careful next time," he whispered. His low voice caused my curiosity to strike. I looked up to see a handsome young man staring into my eyes, his blond curly hair, his golden eyes, his sharp jawline; it all caused me to feel nervous. I jumped out of his arms and he walked back to his upright position. "Thank you." I mumbled. I felt awkward saying thank you to a servant because my parents pay for them to act in this way. Why be grateful to people my parents are paying for? I ran off down the pebbled pathway. He followed me along the side of the pond; I looked back to shout, "Are you going to follow me?"
"Who's going to protect you when you fall?" He laughed.
"I can protect myself thank you very much!" I looked back ahead of myself, the trees were a luscious orange which I couldn't help but stare at.
"Really?" he coughed behind me, somehow I had already forgotten he was there so this came as a surprise.
"So, what's your name anyway?"
"Charles, and yourself miss?"
He ran up in front of me and started walking backwards. He smiled and chuckled before saying, "That's a pretty name for a pretty woman." I giggled, "So confident for a servant boy."
"Who are you calling a boy? I called a girl a woman you should return the favour."
"Huh? I am of age you must call me a woman! It is an order."
"An order from a young girl, gosh I must be dreaming!" he teased. I ran up and hit his arm gently, my long dress blew in the wind as I ran. He was a servant hitting on a noble woman, this was unheard of; but I felt embarrassed to enjoy it. My cheeks were bright red, and I couldn't stop smiling.

"What took you so long Jane!" Shouted Mother. The overly decorated room showed she had pulled all of the gifted decorations out that she didn't like from her noble friends. "Who do we have coming over?" I said, I dodged her question and I grew anxious from fear she would yell at me for it. "We're having some people stay with us in a week, behave yourself young child." She demanded. Her eyebrows were pulled up from stress and she was yelling at servants left and right. I backed away slowly only to see Charles behind me, "Be careful clumsy girl." He whispered into my ear, I chuckled as I turned my body towards him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out. He pinned me to a wall, "Don't be too frightened by your mother, she pays well." He smirked. My face went red and my eyes widened, "Where are your manners Charles?"
"Manners, what are those."
"Manners are what gentlemen like you should have, but somehow don't."
"Who needs manners when you're just a lowly servant boy."
He stared intently into my eyes with his left hand at the side of my body and his right above my head. He had blocked my body away from escaping which excited me more than it should have. "Jane?" I heard my Mother shout from the other room. "Don't leave yet please," he begged. "I have to, don't want you to get caught." I shrugged.

The curtains had been drawn, "It's Wednesday, remember people are coming to stay." Said my maid. I was blinded by the sun, my eyes drooped low from not being able to sleep. I was so excited over Charles, I felt sick. My stomach constantly hurt, and my face was always drooping when I wasn't with him, "what was this feeling?" I constantly pondered. "Do I love Charles?" I shouted; my body jerked up after I came to the realisation. I took a few deep breaths out of shock, my maid looked down at me all puzzled. "What is this?" she asked.
"Don't worry," I ordered "I want to wear something pretty today." She came over with a pile of clothing and got me dressed. I left my room and immediately saw Charles standing there. He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside, we ran for a little until we had reached a secret area in the garden. I sat down on the stone bench after he let me go, and he joined me. "Listen, Jane-" he started. He looked down at his fidgety thumbs before completing his sentence, "Jane I love you!" He suddenly blurted. My eyes widened in surprise, "I know you probably don't feel the same, I'm just a lowly servant boy-"
"I love you too!" I cut him off. He looked up to me and suddenly I was in his arms. He breathed heavily into my ear showing he was nervous, but it made me very happy. I couldn't stop smiling, my heart was beating so fast and my stomach ached out of excitement. He backed away and mumbled, "What now? We can't really act on this, can we?"
"Obviously we can, we're both of age and can make our own decisions."
"Oh right." We sat there awkwardly for a moment fidgeting. I looked around at the bushes and trees surrounding us. It was so beautiful, I was starting to forget my problems. "Jane Hawkins do you wish to marry me?" he confidently asked. He contently stared into my eyes as I looked back, "Yes! I was waiting for you to ask, I as a woman obviously can't ask; like what took you so long. We had sat there silent for too long-"
"Shhhh." His lips met mine for a peck. I was surprised by how it felt; suddenly his mouth touched mine for longer. His soft lips, the warmth that I felt, the feeling of happiness going through my body, it was perfect in that moment. I closed my delicate eyes as we enjoyed a long moment of warmth together.

I sat at dinner nervously sweating, I looked around at so many noble families with their sons. I knew they were all here for Mothers "matchmaking". But I had a secret no one knew, I felt out of it. Nothing came out to me, the candles lit, the leaves on the table, the laughter, the food, I was just wishing Charles could come. I rubbed my hand on my neck anxiously looking around. I saw Charles standing up right next to the door and then I felt at peace. A smile landed on my face and I excused myself from the table, I was "going" to the loo but in truth I pulled Charles out discreetly to be with him. His face said he desperately wanted to be with me too. "So, I've been thinking we should tell Mother that we are engaged whilst she's not stressed with others. She cannot act badly, or yell in front of her friends."
"I must concur Jane, I fear Mrs. Hawkins. To see how she treats her own daughter let alone a servant boy."
He pinned me against the wall in the dark hallway and we exchanged a long kiss. I was closer to Charles than I had been ever before. We were alone together sharing our warmth through saliva and how close our bodies were together. He pulled away and stared into my eyes for a moment as I was pinned to the wall. We stared so seriously at each other, it felt so precious to be with Charles. "Let's go," he whispered. We walked through the door together and everybody turned their heads. "I wish to marry your daughter Mrs. Hawkins. We are in love and I will not accept no as an answer." Charles said. I nodded contently and smiled. "Oh, okay, well... That gets marriage out of the way I suppose." Mother growled.

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