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Third person 3 weeks later, Kamino
Shaak Ti walked down the hallways of Kamino with an almost graceful atmosphere around her. She took in the white scenery that surrounded her life on Kamino 24/7 of the time. Many would have disliked being surrounded by so much white at one time but the Jedi Master found it rather comfortable, especially since most of the residents here were friendly.

The clones here were a delight in Shaak Ti's mind, they were kind, helpful, and an overall kind people. They did bring up The Jedi's mood when it was lower. Shaak Ti did find the Kaminoans rather odd as they didn't feel remource or pity when dealing with their creations, in fact they would rather kill them and reuse their DNA rather then give the clones a second chance. It was rather sad and the Jedi Master was quite happy to have stopped it. The clones made her feel at home, almost like she was with her Jedi again. Each clone was different and represented a different spark in the force.

The scenery however had slowly changed over the last few months. Before clones with strictly white armor would walk the hallways and say hello or just pass her by because they were busy. However now with the New Empire coming in and joining the fighting the Kaminoans have been given new contracts to make new kinds of clones.

Shaak Ti had listened to the ambassadors on behalf of the Emperor and their contracts were very reasonable. A payment of 400,000,000,000 Imperial credits to start the process and produce clones, which will only take 2-5 years to grow depending on the clones. To make sure that Republic and Imperial clones don't mix the Empire is building 5 flying cloning facilities that will have their own repulser lifts, shields, weapons, and training facilities. The Kaminoans do not have to maintain them, or even live on them but they would have to observe and maintain the clones. The training is also provided by Flash memory which basically means that the clones do not have to learn threw hours and hours of practice but instead can learn tactics, accuracy and other things in mere minutes.

The Kaminoans were impressed and asked the Ambassadors if their facilities could have the scientific formula to grow a sane clone in 2-3 years. That would take down almost 75% of the cost which would help the republic as they can put more money into the war and the people. Shaak ti was shocked that the Empire would happily agree to the terms, and building would start only a Week after contracts were made. It would approximately take 2 months before 3 flying facilities were made.

Veterans of the empire had offered to come teach the clones for free so that bounty hunters wouldn't have to, The Kaminoan leader agreed immediately and the switch had taken place.

It had changed very quickly. While before only Jango Fett clones would wonder the halls now there were imperial clones, sometimes known as Stormtroopers. They were quickly becoming well known in the Galaxy. Shaak Ti was surprised when she mistaked a female clone for a male clone. Apparently there were female clones to, along with clones with the force. Shaak Ti had asked a few of the force sensitive clones to a spar, which they agreed to and finally after quite a long while Shaak Ti found a person who she can spar with often. A male force clone by the Sharp-shot, he was a very...interesting specimen to Shaak Ti as he was quite funny and very skilled. He was also around her age of 40 and it had been a while since anyone near her age had made her smile.

Sharp-shot was a very generous Commander, he was in charge of the imperial operations here, he trained his troops well and let some mistakes happen. Not everything Is the fault of the troops but all that matters is that they can adapt. Shaak Ti watched as Imperial cadets went against Clone cadets. With their black armor on they are nearly impenetrable, even being able to block lightsabers, but with training suits on they could get hit once and be out, or dead.

Shaak Ti was told that Fett clones have only a couple of problems compared to Imperial clones. Fett clones worked out just a little to much. Fett clones worked out for 5 hours a day 7 days a week. They did go through firing drills and combat simulations but it wasn't enough. The clones sometimes were very chatty and cracked under the pressure of the simulations, which means they cracked under real battles and the clones were used to firing at slow moving droids, which was easy as they were stationary. However they were still good at what they do.

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