67 7 6

started: 12/28/22 6:37 pm

finished: 12/28/22 9:28 pm

angst sorta 🤷‍♀️

Finney's POV
5 hours after the game

i ran.
faster than i could imagine, my legs burning, but i never stopped.

i screamed.
but nobody heard. nobody cared. NO ONE GAVE A SHIT.

he was to fast.

HE was to fast.

Third person POV
20 minutes after the game

"you're arms mint!
you almost had me."

"You did good to! i just wish the game lasted a little longer, than i would've really showed you my drop ball!" Finney ranted on, but bruce was only admiring his friends face.

The way his hair was parted perfectly for his frame,
the way his nose would scrunch up every time he talked,
how he could go on and on, without ever getting bored of one topic.

Finney was the missing piece to bruce's puzzle.

and bruce loved Finney, but he wouldnt release until its to late.

"are you even listening bruce?" finney asked with a disappointed look in his eyes, which of course made bruce feel terrible for not paying attention, so he decided to be honest about it.

"no, sorry finn. i've just been kinda out of it lately." bruce was feeling a whole bunch of emotions that he didn't quite understand.

"its okay, i get it."finney says with the start of a awkward silence of walking.

couple minutes go by, and finney breaks the awkward tension by saying "Would you want to come by my place? my dads not gonna be home for a bit, and Gwen's at susie's."

Bruce thinks for a bit, trying to recall if he had any plans, which he sadly remembered he was gonna go home and celebrate his win with his family. But maybe after celebrating he could come. little did he know..

"i have to go home first for a celebration, but id love to come over after!"

"sweet! just call me when you're on your way."

"will do,"

and that would be the last they'd speak, without even knowing that one of there lives would be taken shortly.

"i'll see you later bruce!!" finney yells as bruce makes his way to his front door. bruce looks at finney, and waves a hand, while finney walks towards the opposite way.

third person POV
40 minutes before the game

Finney quickly got his cleats on and headed out the door, running to the baseball field with his bag almost falling off his shoulders. he did not want to be late for this game, if he was, he'd be running diamonds for 2 hours straight.

So instead of taking the normal route to the field, he took a path through the corn field, the one he usually took when he was late for something.

while running, he bumped into a older man- about in his 40's- the older man slowly turned around, about to yell at the younger boy, but stopped himself once he released who it was.

"oh, finney! you sure know how to give a old man a scare." the older man says as he places a hand on finn's shoulder. making the younger boy slightly uncomfortable.

"im sorry mr.shaw, i-im kinda in a rush, im going to be late." he manages to stutter out. "why in a hurry? you know what! if your not to busy, i would love to show you my new project I've been working on! how would you like that?" "maybe next time, sorry but i really do need to be going."

and so like the young boy said, he started walking away from the older man, speeding up his walking the farther away he got. and the man just watched him run off.

                during the game

"finn! you're up in the circle!" the coach yelled. causing finn to panic a little, mainly because he had dropped his batting gloves somewhere. most've been from when he was running.

"shit.." finn whispered to himself, he had asked his teammates if they had spare bating gloves he could possibly use earlier when he first noticed them missing. they said no, surprisingly enough since all of them did have gloves. they just didn't want to get 'fag cooties'. which was a term his bully's used every time someone touched finney, even just a tap on the shoulder. it kinda just spread around, like the cheese touch.

you'd think that in the 2000, people would be more understanding of gay people. but i guess life just wasn't fair for poor finney blake.

finney gave up and went to the circle with just a bat and a helmet, his hands starting to sweat and slip every time he did a practice swing. from then on he just knew that he would get yelled at by his coach.

when it was his turn to actually bat, you could already tell by the way he was standing, he was nervous.


rise balls always got him. he'd almost always swing at them.


and there is was. the perfect pitch, but he couldn't get his timing down worth crap. he always had sucked at timing things, just not his cup of tea. but he did swing.


there it was again. that damn rise ball. always had him swinging for the fences.

he ran back into the dug out and put his glove on, prepared for the scoreboard to say "3 OUTS" so he'd be the first out on the field.

"way to hit the ball fag" one of his teammates 'complimented'.

finn just wanted to cry that game, i mean who wouldnt? batting is already very stressful, but to add on being a pitcher? my god was finn in it for the long haul.

finn hated the crowd that would cheer all of them all, he hated the noise. he eventually learned to block it all out, the chants from other teams and coach's cussing each other out.

but the one thing that finny couldn't block out was the booing.

and that was finney blake's worst nightmare..


1012 words <3

this is the longest fic i've made so far, and i am pretty damn proud of it. also, i am not meaning to offend anybody by using the term 'fag' i just want real life issues to be addressed in this fic. so im really sorry if i offended you. if you are offended, than i suggest that you not read this because it will have more slurs in future preferences.

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