40 4 3

started: 12/29/22

finished: 1/5/23 (still can't believe its 2023)

alb*rt sh*w 🤢🤢

pedos 🤢


finneys POV
40 minutes after the game

as i walked home, i had to go the same way as i did to get to the field, mainly because i dropped my gloves somewhere around there.

so i guess i was somewhat thankful that bruce would come later, just thinking of him coming along in search of my gloves is embarrassing enough.

_____~. .~______
time skip

"where the hell can my gloves possibly be?!" i asked myself, but then i remembered the encounter with mr.shaw, so maybe. just maybe, thats where they are.

i ran to the corn field, and to the spot we bumped into. but as i was running i got a bad ick, like something bad was going to happen.. i ignored it, because i just thought it was my paranoia.

i should've listened to my paranoia.

i saw my gloves in the corner of my eye, but i also saw someone else in the corner of my eye, i didn't think of who it was so i just ran toward the man and my gloves.

"excuse me, but those are my gloves." i say but it came out as a whisper, damn my social anxiety.

"what was that finney? your gonna have to speak up, this old man is going deaf." the older man laughs off. "my gloves. you have them, can i please have them back?" i gasped out, hoping he understood me this time.

"well sure finn. i was just about to put them in a box down there! would you like to take a look inside? i made it specifically for you kiddos." mr.shaw says as he points to some leaves on the ground. "but theres nothing there mr.shaw?" i question but before i could even ask more, he sweeps the leaves away, revealing a wooden door and slowly opens the door.

my eyes widen, as i look inside the small room, it had a bunch of space related things, and some board games. a nice hammock
in the back with some books placed on top.

"why don't you come in?" mr.shaw asked. "i don't know sir, i have to get home soon." i start thinking about bruce the moment i say that, i wouldnt want to leave bruce, he might think that i ditched him..

"oh, cmon. it will only take about a couple minutes!"

i think for a little bit and decide to just go in, it wouldnt hurt anybody, right..?

"ok, but really i cant stay long." i say as i walk in the small room.

the older man shortly comes in afterwards and closes the door behind him. "why don't you take a seat? then i'll show you all the stuff i got in here for you kiddos."


Third person POV
1 hour after the game

"hey mom, can I go to Finney's house now?" Bruce asked smiling, "yes dear, don't forget to call first!" Aya said to her eldest son.

bruce ran towards the phone and started to dial Finn's number. he heard ringing on the phone, but not finneys voice and after several calls, he decides to head over to finns house anyways. I mean he could just be in the bathroom..


A/N -
short chapter yes ik and im sorry 😭 i promise next chapter will come out faster and it will be longer! love yall 😘

Words: 546 ‼️

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