Identity Crisis

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So I decided I'm gonna post the vent thing I wrote here, I've only showed one of my irl friends because they're going through the same type of thing so they know how it feels, no one else does so I haven't shared much of this kind of stuff in real life.

Slight trigger warning? ⚠️ struggling with gender identity

Gender is confusing and I don't like it
Sometimes I feel more comfortable with myself than other times
I don't care about pronouns but I wish I didn't always have to use she/her
I'm never gonna be able to not use she/her pronouns
I feel like people will always use she/her no matter what I do
No one would ever use he/him
My gender is confusing
I don't wanna be a girl but I'm afraid that's all I'll ever be
But what if I'm a boy
No that can't be right
On the other hand non-binary fits so well
I hate having to explain myself to people
I feel like my gender is fluid sometimes too but I wish I looked different
I wish people looked at me and wouldn't be sure of what to call me
So they'd just say what comes to mind
And it wouldn't always be girl
Why is it always girl?
I just wanna be me
But I don't even know who I am
My gender is confusing
If people call me a girl that's fine I guess
I'm used to it
But sometimes
Sometimes I feel different
Sometimes I'm uncomfortable
I feel out of place
I don't know how to explain
Gender is confusing
I wanna cut my hair more
Maybe I'll feel more comfortable
Oh but I miss your long beautiful hair
It was so pretty
That's what they say
I don't care
I don't care how you feel
I'm trying to find myself
And you're giving your own opinion on my own life?
I'm just trying to live
Trying to figure it out
But I feel confused
That's all I am, that's all I'll ever be
I don't care what people call me but I hate feeling so limited
So trapped
I don't wanna be trapped
I wanna be free
I tell them it's they/them but then they don't understand
Oh it's she/they then
Oh well okay
Guess I can never say anything with he/him
All sounds nice
But not all the time?
But what about gender what's my gender
I don't know I don't understand
I don't wanna be a girl
But I don't wanna be a boy
I wanna be myself
If I said I was gender fluid would anyone even care? no
They'd say okay well you're still a girl
That's not right
I came out as non-binary and it was forgotten
I came out as a demi girl and well it still says girl
But I'm not a demi girl
Non-binary? Gender fluid? Perhaps I am
Somewhere on that spectrum
That would be fitting
Yet currently I feel so trapped
I don't really feel like myself
Gender is confusing.

- Me

If you relate to this, I'm sorry
If you don't understand, please be respectful

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