1- Introduction

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Being the youngest child and the youngest of his first cousins, Spencer became a leader early on in life. Before he could enter first grade two of his first cousins became parents. He became the leader of his second cousins, whether it was singing at Christmas or dancing at Family Reunions.

Growing up had it's ups and downs as well. He learned he was attracted to males at the age of 10. He was attracted to his fifth grade teacher Mr Berry. Although he was being bullied, he found solace in mesmerizing over the sexiness of his teacher. His teacher was married with children though.

Going into sixth grade he moved away from those bullies just to encounter more bullies. He ended up going to private school because of a misunderstanding. That's where he met his current love of his life, Darius. Him and Darius created a tight bond, but they went their separate ways at the end of the school year. Spencer never got a chance to tell him how he felt about him. They would play sexual acts on each other just for fun. It was more of dry humping.

Spencer's family disliked gay people and that kept Spencer quiet. He felt his family would never love him if he came out of the closet.

Spencer ended up back at the same middle school but he didn't take bullying lightly. He created a group where he was the leader and had bodyguards, Tiny (Dexter) Green and Mouse (Corey) Fletcher. The group consisted of people in all of his classes. Spencer never got his hands dirty and no one knew of his group. If someone bothered him really bad, the group member reported it to Tiny or Mouse. All business was handled off school grounds. You best believe Spencer was never bothered by that person again.

Years later Spencer was at a all boys summer camp and he had to share a room with a someone. Spencer got there first, and when the rooms were assigned he was left with no one. The counselors instructed them to go to their rooms. Fifty minutes after Spencer got comfortable and bonded with the other campers his roommate arrived.

A voice said "hey roomie" and Spencer recognized the voice. He looked and there stood Darius and he had gotten sexier since they last time they saw each other. They embraced each other with a hug and it felt awesome. They both got boners but played it off when they got people around.

One night after lights were out, Spencer thought this would be a good time to express his feelings for Darius.

Back to 2004...

"Hey D," Spencer called out to his roommate. "Are you sleep bro?"

"No," he responded, "I'm laying here thinking about my girl. What's good bro!"

He got a girlfriend, Spencer was devastated about that news. Why not try to shoot his shot, right?

"I just wanted to let you know I missed you bro," Spencer said. "I know you missed me too because of that long hug. Did you feel that spark between us though?"

"Spencer," Darius begins, "yes I felt and I felt your boner and I know you felt mine. So what's up?"

Spencer was caught off guard by that statement. He started to get hard in his shorts because of Darius' aggressiveness. Darius got out of bed and came over to Spencer's bed. Then Darius reached under Spencer's sheets and grabbed his dick.

"Go ahead bro," Darius pushed, "you can grab mine."

Spencer did exactly that and the two jerked each other off. Darius got in Spencer's bed and they ended up kissing and ended up naked. They both busted in each other's hand and Spencer felt whole.

Darius got up, wiped himself off with Kleenex and Spencer did the same. A smile was just plastered on Spencer's face.

"Thanks for that bro," Darius said. "Been holding that in since I last fucked my girl."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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