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Emily's POV

"Ash" I growled

"hey babe seems like you dint miss me now let's go" he said as he swung an arm around me

"I am not going with you!" I screamed my hair turning a fire color and going on fire, like lava girls hair when she's mad. I made water appear above his head then dropped it

"Leave now" I said

"I'll be back" with that he snuck out the window just as Derek came into the house

He shifted and wrapped his arms around me.

"Everything okay babe?" He asked kissing my neck

"Yeah I suppose but I'm hungry" I said

"What do you want to eat?" He asked

"Hmm do you have any-" I was cut off

"Do we have any babe we share this house now" he corrected me

"Alright do WE have steak?" I asked emphasis put on the 'we'

"Yes we do now let's watch Netflix once we op are done eating" he said

So for the rest of the night we ended up watching supernatural on Netflix and cuddling until I fell asleep in his arms.

Once I awoke I was still in my cave. So it was just a dream. Wow shame I guess I miss him really bad. I stood up but the weird thing was that I was tied up my mouth gaged.

"Help!" I screamed but it sounded weird

Then I looked around more and noticed I was in a cellar. So it was all just a dream Derek, Olivia, me going back to my cave. I was kinda depressed because it seemed so real to.

Ash's POV

After I told her I would be back I came back around midnight to steal her but she was already gone. Shit!

Unknowns POV.

I did it father will be happy with me he sent me on a mission for this girl with special powers so we could use her in the war we were planning. Soon enough vampires will rule over all!!!

Derek's POV
I woke up with out Emily in my arms and sniffed to find a vampire scent with Ash's scent. I set out a search party soon after I got dressed and looked around the house but couldn't find her.

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