Nancy Bobfit

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Rena's POV

Into the city, Nancy, a freckly redhead, was hitting Grover in the back of the head with pieces of peanut butter sandwich, honestly was a shame Jackson was on probation. I would have killed to see his go at nancy.

Percy's POV

"I'm going to kill her" nancy Bobfit had been throwing pieces of peanut butter sandwiches at Grover the whole bus ride. Grover tried to calm me down "it's fine, I like peanut butter" As he dodged another piece of Nancy's lunch I started to get up "that's it" Grover pulled me down. Before he did I caught a glimpse of another girl's face she looked very entertained by all this, I recognized her from a few of my classes but I just couldn't remember her name. I was brought back to reality by Grover "you're already on probation" he reminded me. "You know who will get blamed if anything happens". He was right of course but I still wanted to punch that freckled face of Nancy's.

Lexi's POV
Mr Brunner was leading the museum tour. He was guiding us through the big echoey gallery and past old marble statues. All this stuff was super old it had that musty smell you get in the living room of your Grans house were gathered around a tall column with a sphinx on top. He explained that it was a grave marker for a girl around our age. Even though no one was listening he kept going. In my peripheral vision, I could see Mrs Dodds giving Jackson the evil eye. Suddenly laughing drew my attention back to the class.

Percy's POV
Nancy Bobfit had been commenting on the naked guy on the grave marker. "Will you shut up"? That came out louder than I expected it to. Everybody started laughing and I made eye contact with the girl on the bus who looked like she had just entered this world I saw a brief flash of confusion in her eyes before she turned towards Mr Brunner. "Mr Jackson," he said. "did you have a comment?". My face was red. "No Sir" I replied. He pointed to one of the carvings on the gravestone. "Perhaps you'll tell us, what does this picture represent?".

Lexis POV
Jackson had gone bright red. He turned towards the carving Mr Brunner had pointed out. Recognition and relief were clear on his face." That's Kronos eating his kids right". "yes" Mr Brunner said not pleased with his answer. "And he did this because..." Percy looked so confused it was hilarious. And of course, me being me snorted with laughter. "Maybe you can tell me why he did this miss Anderson" this is one of the few moments I was glad I paid attention In class. "Well Kronos was the titan king and he thought that one day his children were going to overthrow him so he ate them. But his wife hid baby Zeus and gave him a rock to swallow instead. And when Zeus was grown up he gave Kronos a drink which made him throw his siblings up and then the war between the titans and the gods happened and the gods won.

Percy's POV "Very good Ms Anderson". "But I have one last question for both you and Mr Jackson" "Where would this be useful in real life". Ok, let's be real when am I ever going to need to know that Kronos is a dick in the real world? I glanced over at The Anderson girl as I tried to think of something. And to be honest I couldn't even remember someone who had been in my class the whole year's name. What made Mr Brunner think I was going to remember this in a year. "I don't know, Sir" came the response of both me and the girl.
Rena's POV.
As we were walking out of the museum I heard Mr Brunner's voice calling us. And by us, I mean me and Jackson. As I walked over to Mr Brunner I saw him nodding to Grover to go on as we walked back to meet Mr Brunner."Sir?" Jackson asked. "You must learn to answer my question," Mr Brunner told us. "About the titans?" I asked confused. "about real life and how your studies apply to it". "oh," Jackson said. "What you learn from me," he said, "is vitally important. I expect you to treat it as such. I will accept only the best from you both." We both mumbled something about trying harder before we went outside for lunch.

Percy's POV
As we walked out for lunch I stopped. The girl stopped and raised an eyebrow at me. like how do you even do that?! I can raise both eyebrows at once but not one at a time. Anyway, I'm getting off-topic I stuck my hand out so she could shake it, trying to be a gentleman and all. "I'm Percy, Percy Jackson," I said. She looked at me and before making eye contact with me "I'm Alexandria but I would prefer you called me Rena"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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