chapter 3: seeing autumn again

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When I saw Josh jump into the car and drive off I was pissed because cars only came every 30 minutes BC of how many people we have. I had a feeling Josh knew more about where autumn was then I did so I thought that maybe I should just let him be stupid and get imprisoned too then I'll leave his ass there and rescue autumn.
Autumn..... I missed her so much. I just wish that she was in my arms right now. Just the thought of autumn made me cry and I let the tears flow down my cheek and unto the pavement, which until now I didn't realize I was staring at.
"Great! Now what are we going to do? Huh? Another car doesn't come until 30 more dumb ass minutes and we have a friend to rescue. Sometimes I feel like the whole damn world is just fucking selfish"
Massie was pacing back and forth while ranging which didn't calm me down any less.
"Calm down we'll just have to-"
I looked down at my phone and a private number had sent me a message. I clicked on the message and read:
"Hey Dylin, sorry about leaving you guys behind but I didn't want to put you guys in danger.....anyways I got autumn, she's safe and alright. I'll keep you posted but stay at the airport until I message you again to where we'll meet up at"
Massie looked over my shoulder at the message
"Who's that dyl?"
I gave her a sharp look.
"I mean who's that Dylin?"
"Josh. He says to-"
Another message. I open and read:
"OK dylin, look we're gonna meet you guys at the hotel near the airport. Go and rent us some rooms and we'll be there in a sec".
I didn't want to waste any time getting to the hotel so I looked at the others.
"Guys. I'll bring you up to date on everything once we get to the hotel but right now we really need to go"
At first nobody moved so I just started walking with my bags in my hands and that's when they all moved at once, grabbing their bags, and trying to keep up with me. No one talked all the way to the hotel, probably because we all were deep in thought. We went to the front desk.
"Yes? can I help you?"
The lady at the front desk was young, brunette, with a red shirt on and red lips.
"Yes we need about....5 rooms please and if you can, could you make them be right next to eachother?"
She checked her computer, smiled, and looked back at me.
"Yes. Your actually in luck, a party just left today so we have plenty of room, you guys will actually have a whole floor so if you change your minds about being right next to eachother then tell me. Your rooms are 31, 32,33, 34 and 35"
He handed me the keys and smiled
"I hope you enjoy your stay"
"We will, thankyou" I said smiling back and heading toward the elevators with the others stepping in place behind me. Once we came to our rooms, I told everyone who they will be paired up with and told them to drop their luggage off and meet me back in my room. so once everyone left I got ready to tell everyone what josh has said. Everyone was back in my room in two minutes tops. Everyone came at me with questions all the same time.
"Hey!" I yelled "look. Josh messaged me saying that autumn was with him and that she's fine".
Lucy started crying, the twins held onto each other for what looked like dear life, massie and drew held onto each other with tears in their eyes,and Justin just sat heavily on the bed.
They all stopped and looked at me.
"Just do me a favor, when they get here, for autumns sake, don't be like you are now".
"What do you mean?" Lucy asked, clearly trying to hold tears back.
"Like......crying and stuff because then she'll feel more horrible then she already does so.... Please."
They all nodded, wipe their eyes, and sat up straighter. just as I was about to sit down to there was a knock at the door and everyone in the room including me squealed. I looked at them and gave them a face that said
"remember what I said"
and I went to the door, took a deep breath, and opened. when I seen only Josh I got mad.
"Josh I swear I'm gonna-"
All the wind was knocked out of me when josh moved over and I saw autumn.

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