battle and a first meeting

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its 1972 the vietnam war is in full swing a U.S. soldier is lying asleep in his cot when he is awoken from his sleep by a fellow marine, he was going on a routine patrol with his squad it was nothing big considering that he was at khe sahn during the tet offensive so a small jungle patrol was nothing he got dressed and put his gear on as he had many times before and went to the landing pads where his squad mates were already waiting

commander little: you're late

michael: i know 

commander little: i could have you punished for this 

michael: look i could care less and besides its just a patrol what could go wrong?

after the entire squad landed a few miles out from the firebase they were stationed at they began to scout the area until they came under fire


they all hit the ground to avoid fire and they crawled to a log and took cover 

PVT.knight one of the younger guys in the squad had stood up to fire and was killed almost immediately by rifle fire the same happened to Sgt. silver 

commander little: grab the radio thats on silver's back and call some damn air support

michael hurridly grabs silver's limp body and calls over the radio

michael: "firebase whiskey this is alpha squad we are pinned down send air support" michael yelled as he was speaking into a radio to the nearest firebase michael then turns to his commander 

firebase radio operator: negative alpha squad we need every chopper here we are also under attack.

michael: they arent coming

commander little: why!

michael:they are defending the firebase from an attack

commander little:wh- .

just before he could say anything he was shot in the head by a vietcong soilder ,soon michael ran because he was the only surviver of a 4 man squad after running a good 2 miles he found a hollow tree to hide in as the vietcong or charlie as they were most oftenly refered to ran past  michael hid in that tree for 3 days avoiding bugs and snakes the best he could to survive he used his meager rations  and then decided to leave the area where the tree stood when he came upon a sight that gave him hope a trail but he saw something odd he saw what looked to be 3 people one tall with long horns and two short ones with short horns along with what looked to be a wolf walking like a person and as he was walking toward them he fell into a vietcong punji stick trap and yelled in pain

michael:aaaah fuck!

?:what was that

the 4 started to walk toward him but stopped when he drew his M1911A1 pistol

michael: walk slowly i dont know who you are or if you want to kill me

?:we dont want to kill you we wanted to know what the noise was but it seems we have found it

one walks out and the others follow 3 have red skin and horns while the wolf looking creature had white and grey fur.

michael:what the hell did i smoke back at base and why did it take so long to make me trip out

?: your not tripping ,a short thing with white hair said

michael:well if your real i must introduce myself im private michael, im a part of MAC V SOG and the U.S. marines

?: ok well im blitzo the o is silent and the one with white hair is moxxie the one next to him is millie and the hellhound over there is my daughter loona and we run the assasination company called the immediate murder professionals and we were here to kill a vietcong officer.

michael: well if you kill vietcong your friendly in my book and do you have any way to help me out of this trap 

blitzo: oh yeah we can help you out with that 

as they helped michael out of the whole and michael used a first aid kit to clean and heal his injury and as they were about to leave they came under vietcong fire 

michael: those fucks came back

he raised his rifle and began to fire hitting several in the process then they michael and the group of demons began running,  while running the one named loona dropped the demons only way back to hell known as the grimoir and soon after a vietcong patrol found it and took it with them.

imp's in vietnamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ