the facility

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they followed the tanks and enemy troops to what looked to be a huge facility but the thing that stood out to michael the most were the soviet union flags that were all over the base they got in by cutting the fence with some cutters that michael hadonce they were in they killed a few guards and went inside a lab type area where they found empty room upon empty room until they went to an elevator whivh took them to a hallway full of equipment to deal with radiation

blitzo:what is this place

michael:it looks to be a lab of some sort

moxxie:um you should probably see this

they all went up to a window and saw some russian soilders putting finishing touches on what look to be nuclear weapons but another room caught loona's attentionwhen she went to go look there in a small lab type room sat 4 russian scientists trying to use the book

loona:the book


loona: here in this room here

as the other 4 went to look at where the book was michael was still in shock because of what the bombs said on them he could read them because he learned russian for spying operations one nuke said washington D.C. while the others  had the names of other city's in the U.S.

millie:michael whats wrong 

michael:th-those are nuke's and they all have names of major american city's on them

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