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The raven haired boy sat in the back seat of his father's car, knees brought up to his chest. "Papa! Please slow down! You're scaring me." The younger begged. His father scoffed and kept driving over the speed limit. "This is slow enough son... In fact, it's too slow." The speed increased, making the child scream and dig his face into his knees.

Ever since Kevin's mother left five months ago, his father felt no emotion. Kevin never understood what happened between the two, all he knows is that one morning, his mother left and the living room was filled with bottles of alcohol. His father just groaned while clutching his head and told him that she went on a vacation to another country.

He missed his mother oh so much. He wanted for her to come back, he wanted his family to be put together again.

Kevin raised his head from his knees to see where they have reached. Red light after red light, and yet his father hasn't stopped once. Horns and cursing that could be heard quickly faded from the speed they were going at. He turned his head to the left, only seeing a blur of lights in the dusk.

The child immediately turned his head forward when he heard tires screeching and screaming from others.

Time slowed in his mind. He noticed a couple in the front seat, wide eyed. The women was clutching onto her seat belt while the male tried to control the steering wheel. Both cars swerved past each other, but Kevin's attention turned towards the boy sobbing loudly in the back seat.

The two kids made eye contact for a split second, looking at their horrified expressions through the window. The curly haired boy mouthed the words "Help me." while Kevin said, "I'm sorry."

That was the last thing Kevin saw was the terrified faces of the family who deserved none of this, and then, nothing.


Kevin shot up, sweat covered his body and he felt out of breath. "Shit, I'm sorry..." He covered his face in his hands. "...I'm sorry." He whispered.

After all these years, he still blames himself. 'Why couldn't I be stubborn and force dad to stay home.' His dad... who's now sent to jail for life. After the accident, the seventeen year old hasn't visited his father once, nor will he ever go visit him. He'd rather live with his aunt who barely pays attention to him and loves to move to different places, regardless of the fact that she'll be bankrupt soon.

Speaking of new places, they just moved into a new apartment across the state which means the teen has to start his high school life over. Kevin sighed and looked at the time on his phone. Four twenty-three in the morning. He does have another hour to sleep, but he doesn't want this reoccurring nightmare to appear again.

He got up and grabbed a towel, hoping a warm shower will calm his nerves.


Luckily, Kevin's aunt dropped him off at school so he wouldn't get lost walking a mere five minutes to the building. He looked around the campus and saw everyone in their own groups. Everyone but this one boy. He had his back against a tree, reading a book. Everyone who passed him didn't greet him or even say hi.

As much as the raven haired boy wanted to approach him, Kevin had other priorities, but made a mental note to visit him.

He made his way to the main office. The lady in the front desk seemed to be in her forties and was wearing way too much make-up. Kevin grimaced. "Um... Hello ma'am?" She seemed to be paying more attention to the computer screen so Kevin coughed and repeated his words. She turned her attention towards the teen and with a monotone voice spoke, "Hello, how can I help you?" Her voice was so cringey, it sounded like a teenage girl ready to gossip about anything, but Kevin kept his straight face. "My name's Kevin McFarlane, I'm-" She interrupted and turned back to her computer. "You're the new student, McFarlane, uh huh." She took something out the printer and handed it to Kevin. "Here's your schedule honey." She leaned over the desk, showing some cleavage that made Kevin want to puke. "But be warned, the people will fall for you." The seventeen year old gave her a face that is mixed with disgust and confusion. "What I'm saying is that you're an attractive guy that girls or guys would love to fuck, so always keep condoms with you and make sure they don't have a disease." Kevin hesitantly nodded. "Riiiight...."

The teen practically ran out the office and searched for his locker before the bell rang. However, while searching for his locker number, he bumped into someone, making them drop their binder.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Words from this morning repeated in his mind, but he quickly shook them off. He knelt down to help him pick up loose papers and classwork. "It's alright." The voice sounded soft and delicate. Kevin looked up to see the guy that was under the tree. They held eye contact for a few seconds, making Kevin feel weird. He usually never felt awkward with eye contact, but with this kid, it was different. "My- My name's Kevin." He mentally punched himself for stuttering. "Aleks." He simply replied. Kevin handed Aleks his papers and saw the other mutter a thank you and quickly leave. Kevin was dazed, Aleks was a mystery that Kevin would spend years trying to solve.

The bell rang and Kevin averted his attention back to the ground to see that Aleks left a small piece of paper... somewhat like a picture. The half asian flipped it over to see something he wished he didn't.

It was a picture of that kid he saw in the car with Aleks right next to him. They seemed so happy together... But Kevin and his father ruined Aleks' happiness. The child that had his whole future ahead of him. The child with the family that deserved better. "No no no no..." As much as Kevin wanted to break down and cry, he knew he couldn't. He told himself he will hold himself together until the end of the school day.

Kevin slowly walked to his first period, forgetting the picture was still in his hands. The class was filled with students who were staring at him... and one of those students was Aleks.

The teacher came up to him and asked what his name was. "Kevin." She nodded and pointed over to Aleks. "You can sit next to... um... That kid back there." Kevin winced. 'What teacher doesn't know their students name.' Kevin quickly walked over to Aleks and placed the picture on his desk before sitting down. "You... uh... accidently dropped this too... But it was my fault.. so I'm sorry." Aleks nodded and returned with a small smile.

Kevin faced forward, pretending to pay attention to the teacher and muttered into his hand. "I'm sorry for everything Aleks."   



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