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Aleks stared at the raven haired boy. His skin seemed paler and he looked extremely disturbed. Aleks shrugged it off and paid attention to the teacher who didn't even know what she was talking about.

'Maybe he knew James?' Aleks thought. 'There could have been no possibly way unless Kevin met him while he was on vacation, or if he was in the same hospital watching his best friend get pulled into the emergency room.' The Russian returned his thoughts to the confused teacher who forgot the formula for some chemical equation.

"Hold on kids, let me look in the book real quick." All the students groaned, leaving Kevin puzzled. "Hey, A-aleks?" Aleks glanced over at him, already knowing his question. "This is her first year teaching, she said she wanted to be an english teacher but her parents wanted her to do something that involves science, but," Aleks raised his shoulders slightly. "she still ended up with a poor paying teacher job." The teens glanced over at the helpless women, both giving her a sympathetic look.

The bell rung, and all the teenagers dashed out of the class. All besides Kevin and Aleks.

"Hey Aleks... since I don't know anyone, can I sit with you at lunch?" He received a blank stare from the other. "If you want," He slung his bag over his shoulders and began walking away, his voice fading with every word. "I sit outside under the willow tree."

Kevin stood there, stunned. "Aleks." He muttered. Something he immediately realized about the other was that his walls were built high, and if Kevin wanted to break them down, he'll get bruised trying.


Lunch came around quicker than expected, and with the events that went on, Kevin's appetite was gone. He sighed and grabbed an apple, and adjusted his bag over his shoulder. He stared at the red fruit. 'Maybe I'll end up eating this while talking to Aleks.' It made Kevin feel more uneasy than before. Should he tell Aleks about the incident that happened years ago? No, he couldn't. He doesn't have the heart to see an innocent soul be so hurt.

He stared at the sky noticing it was crystal clear, not a single cloud floating around. He closed his eyes and inhaled. The fresh air made him feel slightly relaxed and awake compared to how he felt inside the cramped school filled with gossip and cologne. His eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the light and looked under the tree to see the mysterious boy reading the same book.

The raven haired boy hesitated, but built up the courage to walk over and sit next to him. The few moments of walking made a million of thoughts run through the younger's head.

'What if he can see right through me and he already knows about his friend's death? Then again, he can't there's absolutely no way possible... He might think something else? Maybe he thinks I'm weird... Oh God first day of school and I'm thinking about this kind of shit.. Oh, and now I'm talking to myself, get it together Kev...'

"Uh... Hey." Aleks glanced up from his book and shot him a friendly smile, placing a bookmark in his book and setting it aside. "Hey Kevin." He pat a spot on the green grass for Kevin to sit next to him.

"Sorry, I, uh.. I didn't mean to interrupt you." Aleks laid down, staring at the sky. "Don't sweat, no one really comes to talk to me, mainly because no one actually knows who I am but I was honestly surprised when you started talking to me." Kevin felt a calming vibe from Aleks. "I don't know man, you just seem cool and I want to get to know you better."

Aleks didn't respond, making Kevin worry greatly. Did he say something wrong? Was Aleks not used to conversing with others?

"Eh, maybe another day but look." The brown haired boy pointed to the sky. "I-um... Aleks?" He hummed in response. "W-...Don't take this the wrong way buuut... what am I supposed to be looking at?"

Aleks chuckled. Kevin turned bright red. 'Wow, he's adorable.' He shook the thought out of his head as Aleks turned towards him and began speaking. "There's a single cloud floating in the sky." The other wondered if Aleks was relating the cloud to how lonely he was. Maybe Aleks is currently going through some problems. "Yeah... It's weird since there are no other clouds around."

"Want to hear a story?" The teens eye's widened, hoping it wasn't going to be about his friend who passed away. "Well?" Aleks stared at Kevin anxiously, not knowing that the other was in deep thought."Y-yeah, I'd love to."

His eyes went back to the single cloud floating above them. "When I was younger, my mother would always tell me that people tend to leave without an explanation and you'll most likely never get to see them again. I responded back with a 'why?' and you know what she told me?" Aleks sat up from his laying position and Kevin gave him a confusing glance, and followed his motions.

"She told me that they move away to a far, peaceful place." Aleks pointed up at the almost clear sky. "Right on the clouds."

He sighed deeply. The smile on his face slowly faded. "And for a majority of my childhood, that's where I thought my best friend was, in a paradise having fun with his parents." Aleks scoffed to himself. "Oh, what a naive child I was."

"I'm so sorry." Kevin blurted out then immediately covered his mouth. "I-I mean about your friend... and all..." Aleks gave him a smile but sadness filled his eyes. "Hey bro, it's life. People come and go, and, well, that's just how it is, we can't change that.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Neither of them not really knowing what to say. "Hey, Aleks..."


"Do you want to come over my place?"

Aleks opened his mouth then closed it, clearly thinking it over. "Well... Sure."


A/N: I haven't done any of my homework :))))))))) rip in peace  

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