BrightSummer- 2

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          I watched in dismay as my cousin's flowing tail whisked inside. Honestly, she never seems to want to play with me, all she does is read or sit there in the shade. It's as if she thinks something's wrong with being warm and basking in the sun's warm rays. I stretched, spreading my wings and letting a few golden sparks spit from my horn, took off, heading for the main street in Canterlot. If Winter didn't want to have fun, then fine. There's   plenty of ways to entertain myself otherwise. I mean- Winter loves playing games indoors, or on a snowy day, but I'd prefer the outdoors- in the summer, of course. The winter, is just too cold, so no thanks, not for me!
          I glided gently through the clouds, fuming over Winter's stubborness. Whatever. Okay, now for the game. I touched down lightly on a cloud, loving how it bunched around my hooves, like a cool, damp, not sticky, fluff of cotton candy. I jumped. A slight shower of rain fell down. Perfect. Now, I looked down for a particularly large cloud and spotted it.  Stepping lightly off my original cloud, which was still dripping slightly, I sailed down to fly next to the large one. Giving it a small push, I sent it over to settle a little ways beneath the first cloud. Perfect. Now, I fluttered back to my original cloud, touching down on it, I stretched. I love it up here. You can get the most out of the sun, and you can play fun games with clouds. I started to jump on my cloud vigorously, sending showers of rain down on to the one below. I watched it grow as the rain hit it, until it was a good sized cloud. I stopped jumping. Now, I needed to find  an equal sized cloud to put beneath it- just as a precaution. One time, I was playing this game, and sent showers down onto the citizens of Canterlot. Mother was not happy. I got sent to my room for the rest of the day. I scowled at the memory. The cloud beneath the one I was about to play on should catch any rain that falls from it. Now for the game. Oops. I forgot to mention that that was all preparing for my game. Now I'm gonna play.
           I glanced around, peering through clouds. Nopony in sight. I shot up into the atmosphere. I suddenly stopped flapping, letting my wings go limp. Plummeting, I shouted "Wheeeeeeee!!" To no one in particular. Suddenly, my body sank into the cloud, deep, deep, deeper, until I could feel the cloud's tension pressing against my body. And then I felt the tension release, shooting me back into the air As suddenly as I had landed. I shot up, ending up a little lower than where I had first started. Again, I began to plummet towards the-- WHAT?! My cloud wasn't there anymore. my speed rapidly increasing, I frantically searched the skies. Nothing. Not a cloud in sight, and definently not one I could land on. The ground was nearing. I had to do something, and quick, before I hit the grass. I unfurled my wings and was jerked upwards, throwing my head down. Ow. Softly flapping, I felt the back of my neck throb. I hope I'll be okay. Ignoring the pain in my neck, I pulled my attention back to the skies. What in the name of Equestria happened to the clouds? Suddenly, I spotted a single cloud and a little blue figure in the distance. The figure seemed to strike out, and the cloud disappeared. Is that...? I realized that the figure seemed to be  coming closer, the ponies' features becoming clearer. Messy rainbow mane and tail, blue coat, and pink eyes. I realized that my body had gone slack, and I was staring at her with a very undignified look on my face. Quickly, with not a moment to spare, I straightened up, and fixed my face. She had reached me. "H-hey... I- I'm Bright. Bright- uh, summer," I stammered nervously. "Umm... not to be rude or anything, but what is your name? I, uh..." I couldn't hold back any longer. " ARE YOU RAINBOWDASH?!" I blurted, and suddenly realizing how rude that was, covered my muzzle with my hooves, pink creeping along my cheeks. The pony in front of me just stared in puzzlement. Oh no. No no no no no no. This pony isn't Rainbow Dash!

**BOO YA! GOT DAT DONE AND IT'S TEN O'CLOCK! Okay, so that chapter was a bit... longer. I really hope all y'all liked it, because, I did. Oh, and also, OOH CLIFFHANGER! Don't worry. The next chapter will still be Brightsummer's POV, but you just have to wait for me to update it. Also, this needs some major editing. Please forgive me for writing horribly at 10:00. MUHAHAHAHAAAA! And it might be a few days, because, I'm going skiing for spring break! So CLIFFHANGERRRRRRR! XD ok, bai, peeps. Please vote and comment! Have a fabulous day!**

**YAY NOTE #2! ok, so I made my major editing, and it looks better. For those of you that already read the part that I deleted ignore that. It sucked. And if you didn't read that part, then ignore the above. It's IRRELEVANT. So, better editing and stuff. Oh, and, I changed my mind on having brightsummer's POV next chapter. HAHAHAHA!!!

Note 3: wtf was going on in my head last year? Seriously, please ignore the Author's notes from the earlier chapters they're making me cringe. 
(I love how I take enough effort to write an a/n about how not to read the other author's notes instead of deleting them)

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