My answers

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Since Nico_DiAngelo-Solace tagged me back I'll answer them myself.

Name (fake or real): Skye

Age : I am 1529 years old. I am the goddess of chaos. (Jk I'm 15)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Hair color: I have blonde hair that is at shoulder level.

Eye color: depends on lighting. Sometimes blue but most of the time light green or sage. 

Height: Like 5'2 - 5'3

Favorite color: London blue, purple and silver

Color of the shirt you have on right now: Violet

Glasses: I lost them so I wear contacts now.

Pets: Nope sadly

Siblings: Two younger brothers. One of them is Nightsthelimit 

Favorite word (this was totally random):

Opinion on school: I only go cause of my friends otherwise I don't normally enjoy it

Favorite subject: Drama

Favorite book: The Magicians and Demigods: The Crown of Ptolomy

Favorite fan fiction on Wattpad: I've got a few. All of the Marvel One Shot books by novanite  , The Hero and The Agent by Bluewonder88  and A Journey of a Lifetime by KTArchery2015 and breaking down ur walls

Favorite movie: The Greatest Showman

Plants in your room: no

How did you find Wattpad: Long story short I'd been reading fan fictions on a website called Quotev that I stumbled upon but I was running out of ones to read until a friend Drachenfluesterer  told me about Wattpad.

Favorite animal: Most birds, ducks, parakeets etc..., cheetahs, wolves and dolphins, sea turtles

Time: 5:41

Phone percentage: 51%

Marvel or DC: Marvel 4 life

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