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Hey sorry for not updating for a long time. My little brother broke my iPad so I had to buy a knew one. Which is better than my old one, so let's get started


Itachi, sasuke and naruto began to walk to the Uchiha mansion .

"So what's your name,kid?"
"Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto said with a huge smile on his face.
"Nice name, my name is Itachi Uchiha, sasuke's brother. " Itachi smiled back.
Naruto looked at sasuke, then at Itachi.
" you two look alike, someone could get confused which is who."
" yeah, we get that alot." Sasuke said.

"Mother! We're home!!"
Mikoto came in the living room were the boys were at resting.
"Oh, I see you already met Itachi."
"Yeah, he's really nice and we talked about sasuke's embarrassing moments."
Naruto began to laugh and sasuke began to blush .
"Really? Has Itachi told you about the time when he got stuck in the toilet?"
"MOM!!!" Sasuke face turned red as a tomato.
"No, but tell me,TELL ME!!"
" When sasuke was 7, he still used the potty seat. (Sorry I don't know what those thing called for when little kids use when their not old enough.) One day he thought that he was old enough to use the toilet all by himself. So he sat on it and did his business, when he was done he tried to get off of it. He called for help, me and Itachi went inside to see what happened. Instead of helping him , we just laugh of him. We stopped laughing, but then sasuke pulled a little to hard, so the seat came off. It was stuck to his butt, then we pulled it off. He was mad at us for probably a month."
Naruto began to laugh and tears started forming on the corner of his eyes. Sasuke was blushing really hard.
"SHUT UP, DOBE!!" Sasuke pouted.
"S-sorry it's j-just that it's f-f-funny, teme" Naruto said while laughing and brushing a tear off his eyes.
~Ding Donnngg~ (
"I'll get it" Mikoto said ad she ran to the door.
When she opened the door, she started to squeal and laugh.
Sorry if it's short, but comment and vote. Byeee ✌

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