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it had been silence for awhile y/n was hoping Ora would be okay.

a voice from the intercom then said it was safe the worker then took Y/n out.

in the small group of people rushing by she saw ora in the midst of chaos.

y/n walked to her, a hug was given and a smile saw shined.

it was cold and dark Ora didn't know what to do she thought about how many kids that are adopted but abused or sold she put y/n in her car and thanked the co-worker, then she got in and drove of. in the car she saw y/n shiver, she placed her work coat onto y/n and sped off,

{ a 1 hour time skip because y e s }

y/n had fallen asleep, so Ora picked her up and closed the car door. she unlocked the front door and went inside.

it was getting late so she put the child down and went to the kitchen and made something to eat.

she couldent make up her mind and just chose to make some soup, she wasn't 
sure if y/n could eat harder food.

when it was ready she set it on the table, the smell of food woke y/n right up Ora smiled and put y/n on a chair they both ate in silence.

after they watched a movie, it was y/n's first time seeing a tv before.

after the movie it was already late so Ora helped y/n get all ready for bed, she pulled a make-shift bed and put some blankets and pilliows and they went to sleep

{finished reading chapter 2 }

it's so bad make fun of me

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