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San kept his gaze fixed on the painting in front of him for a few minutes. The time had passed and Sunday had arrived, it was finally time to go for his contract and achieve the main objective for which his mentor had been instructing him. However, his body remained motionless in front of that painting. He remembered that exact moment as if it had happened minutes ago; the memory of Celine following her own strokes with paint, bringing a work of art to life, was tattooed in his mind. He could perfectly see the way her eyes sparkled the instant the color began to take over the canvas. Celine had spent hours painting, and San had appreciated every minute in detail.

Only once the painting was finished he reacted. In any other circumstance, he would not have hesitated to go for his camera and capture the moment; he had met his favorite artist in person and was lucky enough to be able to witness her reunion with her passion, without a doubt it was a special scene. In fact, so special that he was not able to leave the room to look for his camera, or even look away from her; there was nothing around that mattered more to him than that moment.

A smile appeared on his face and he returned from his thoughts. The clock on the wall said 11:10 and he was due to be with Celine in a few minutes, so he took a quick look around, making sure he didn't forget anything, and left his dwelling.

Despite the fact that Abel had informed him about the non-existence of a dress code within Future, San wore black pants along with a shirt and the jacket of his suit of the same color. "The elegance of the color black never fails", it was something that had not been erased from his mind and it gave him the comfort and security necessary for whatever it was.

As soon as he reached the park, his eyes met Celine's in the distance. The girl was waiting for him in the usual place with a smile.

"Are you ready?" she asked when he was next to her, almost as way of greeting, "nervous?"

Out of habit, both of them began to walk as soon as they were together, only this time it was she who was following his moves. San looked at her and she smirked.

"Nervous?" he repeated, "Nah, not at all. I'm already an expert in this."

Celine kept her eyes on him and gave a little sigh, nodding.

"Yes, I think you are right."

"For real?" he looked at her immediately, with a surprised expression. "I- I was kidding. Of course I'm nervous! I mean... it's my second interview- wait. It is an interview? Abel didn't say anything about an interview!" His eyes widened as he became more aware of the possibilities. "This is bad... Future doesn't seem to be anything like the Main Channel, can I answer an interview the same way? We didn't rehearse this. Mentos-!"

Celine let out a laugh and shook her head, looking away for a few seconds.

"Chill your professionalism," she murmured amused, looking at him from the corner of her eye.

"I was joking, Cel-"

"I don't think it was a lie," she interrupted, turning to him and giving him a relaxed half smile. San frowned at her slightly, confused, and continued. "Abel offered you this after listening to your criticisms and opinions, didn't he? He wants you to be you." She shrugged. "Anyway, calm down, I don't think there will be an interview this time," she calmed him down, "but even if it were, you would know what to say; there is no one better being yourself than you." Celine looked away again and rolled her eyes. "You are an expert in that."

Then, San's gaze remained on her as her words echoed over and over inside him. He did not know how, but every time Celine encouraged or comforted him in any way, he felt as if everything was under control. Inevitably, a smile appeared on his face and his anxiety subsided.

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