its all coming together

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kanike stood facing towards his  large cave he was standing on a rock outcrop over looking the large open cave he  raised his hands to above his head and started a small chant 

then a purple circle appeared in the air 

a flare of magic got sent out threw the earth causing large scale natural disasters wiping out entire city's killing millions and with this he signalled his section commanders and his second in command to get reedy for transport  

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a flare of magic got sent out threw the earth causing large scale natural disasters wiping out entire city's killing millions and with this he signalled his section commanders and his second in command to get reedy for transport  

light started to form in the cave and a voice rang out 

" first section has arrived " ayato called out as he stepped out of a magic cercal with about 500 fallen angles and stray devils behind him all waring  a mask and jacket like there section commander this section specialised in frontal charges and speed 

" second section has arrived allso " Noro said as him and his 500 stepped out of there portals they all had a mask with bared teeth and red robes on this section was stealthy and had good regeneration 

" third section is here " tatara said as he and his section came out they all wore white long cotes and red masks they were monstrously physically strong and could punch threw steal like butter 

" forth section says hello " naki says as he walks forward his section specialises in going berserk they would run in not caring if they got hurt  there one gol  was to kill there enemy they wore no mask but wore white suet's 

" la cinquième section est apparue" ( fifth section has appeared ) shuu says as him and his section stepped threw there portal they all wore purple with masks that covered parts of there face all there masks had a cross on it this section specialises in medical stuff and have lots of healing magic 

a portal opened up just behind kanike and a girl with green hair stepped out " eto is here " 

kanike started to speak he spoke about how they would destroy the currant governments and leaders of the supernatural  and how they would all be apart of it when he ended they all started to cheer and start preparing for battle 

with the allied supernatural forces  

sirzech was standing on a podium with the Michel and Azazel as they stood there they looked out and saw thousands of angles  thousands of devils and thousands of fallen angles along with the 1000 storm cast eternals standing at the rest position at the front along with the 5 assassins over all they outnumbered kanike s armies by 100 to 1 but the training and powers of kanike individuals dowered  that of the allied forces except the storm cast the leaders and the assassins 

as they addressed them they told them about the up coming war 

suddenly the space around sirzech seemed to tare open and out walked kanike " sirzech brother dearest this is a declaration of war you will die by our hand now prepare you have 5 days befour the first attack " 

everyone was shocked but the assassins reacted first raising there guns and shooting at kanike but he was already back threw his tare in space 

well a war has just been declayerd i am going to end the book with the war but if you like this and like Percy Jackson i am starting an entire new serise allso as normal pleas coment what your thoughts are and that stuff 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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