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A certain marron colored hair was sitting  infront of an noddle stand with hes sister. Enjoying hes bowl of udon not until.. He smell a certain scent. Does he know what it was? No a gut feeling told him to follow so? He did. Dropping the bowl of udon making the bowl shattering.

He ran to the smell only to find MICHEL JACKSON? HEEHEE nah jk.

He ran to the smell only to find a family?... What? How...

"Do you need something or? You just want to waste our time?" said the black haired man staring at him with red scary eyes, hes word spitting venom.

"You... You killed my family H-H-OW DARE YOU!" shout the marron haired  boy.

"Oh my, poor child what has gotten in to him?" asked the black haired woman. "I dont know hunny but i think he went a little cray cray, we should leave". suggest her husband. "O-oh no your not! Not until i kill you MUZAN". marron boy shouts.

He was about to take put hes sword only to have some trouble along the way.

(idk how to fucking write the scene where he like made someone a demon and then like tamayo and yushiro saved him so just imagine that 😜)

Huge ass time skip! Why? Cuzzz duh.
(it was the time where he defeated Rui 😫)

"i think hes dead lols"

"h-huh?" the marron haired boy finally getting consciousness. "Finnaly your awake" (lowkey lazy to write their hair colors so whateves 🙄). Tanjiro looked up to see.

Strong ass looking demons slayers. Were they strong yes obv their hashiras.

"You dumb kid! How could you be a demons slayer when your travelling with a demon yourself!" shouted senemi.

"Y-y-ou dont understand shes my sister!" shouted tanjiro. "Sister or not she must be killed after all shes a demon!" shouted obanai. "Oh myy, stop it you two let the boy explain." said shinobu.

"Hell nah him traveling with a demon is already self explanatory." senemi said as he grabbed the box containing nezuko inside it.

"Hehehe" he said as he stabbed the wodden box."ouch noises ." muttered nezuko. "Wtf no one hurts my sister!!!" shouted tanjiro as he runs toward senemi head butting him.

"omfg you bitch" senemi yelled about to punch tanjiro.

"Master has arrived." said the twins.

"Ahh great whether." said

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