Chapter 4

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I wake up, not knowing we're I was. I was lying on a unfamiliar couch. Where was I? Why was I hear?

I look around soon to be facing no just one but five guys. One of the guys had blonde hair, one had brown hair with a quiff, another had a birthmark on his neck, one was wearing glasses and a stripped shirt, and the last guys a curly brown hair. I have seen them before but I couldn't quite place them.

"Ummm hi do I know you?" I say. My head hurt. The I remember what happened I was almost rapped and I ran into someone. The thing was I wasn't in a hospital. I was in some ones flat... But who's?

"Uh hi I'm Niall, you ran into me last night so hard that you fell down and hit
your head and you past out so I just brought you back to my place." The one with blonde hair said.

"Thank you, that was very kind of you," I say.

"Any time love, and Umm these are just some of my friends." Niall said and they all turned to look at me

"I'm Zayn, Niall's friend," the one with a quiff said.

"I'm Louis!!! And you and I will be best friends soon!!" The guy with glasses.

"I'm Harry, what's your name love," he said sweetly.

"My name is Jamie," I say.

"Nice too meet you love," he grabs my hand and kisses it, I blush sightless. He was a very attractive guy, just saying.

All the other guys look at him and roll their eyes.

"I'm Liam," the guy with the birthmark on his neck said.

The all look at each other and say,
"And we're One Direction,"

I laughed a little. They were the new band, well not that new I guess they've been around of 4 years. I didn't really listening to them. To be honest I was more into rap then the modern day music.

"We'll all of you guys have to go now, because I need to have and shower and get rest for the interview tonight," Niall says to all the boys. The boys leave but Before they leave they say good bye and Harry kisses my hand again. I blush.

Niall looks at me for a minute. I couldn't quite read his face, then I could tell. He was looking at my bruises and frowning. Shit. I can't tell a complete stranger what happened hopefully he doesn't ask.

"What happened? Why do you have all those bruises?" He asks.

And of course he did.

"Umm, nothing I don't want to talk about it," I say quickly.

Remember what my dad did to me just hurt my heart. I thought he loved me. I feel tears welding in my eyes but I blink and let them go away, I can't cry in front of a complete stranger, he would think I'm crazy or something. But I could feel the tears coming back.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" He asks again.

He frowns again as if he couldn't comprehend that I couldn't have gotten these bruises without getting hurt badly.

I nodded I feared if I said anything that I would start balling my eyes out. I shifted uncomfortably on the couch. Niall moved closer to me and just hugged me, I softly cried in his chest.

"It's okay love, nothing can't hurt you now," he says sweetly. His thumbs rub circles in my back. I felt safe, like nothing could ever hurt me....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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