Chapter One

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"Mom, Dad, I'm homeee!" I chime.

The house was quite weird my mom and dad should be back from work. I look around for a note to see if my parents left one. I check the answering machine on to see if they left a message, but they didn't. I guess they forgot, I go up to my room to unpack my bag.

It was the last day of school... The last day of high school. I was 18 and I was ready to go to University, I was excited because I was training to be a nurse and my parents were paying for my tuition. My mom was a doctor and my dad was a lawyer, so we had a lot of money.

I hear sirens outside my house and I hear the door bell ring. Strange I wonder what the cops are doing here. I open the door and there were to cops there.

"Hello Jamie I'm officer Daniel and this is officer Johnson, I have some horrible news for you, your mother was driving home and she had a I collision with a semi truck."

"Is she okay?" I say. Deep down I knew she wasn't okay no one could survive a collision with a semi truck.

"Jamie, she's not okay. She died before we got to the seen, I'm sorry," he says.

I fall to my knees. My mother... She's died. My mind goes to all the special times I had with my mother, one memory comes to mind.

"Sweetie are you don't getting dresses?" My mother asked.

"Yes, just a minute," I call back.

It was the night of the prom and I was going with my boyfriend Jason, my mom hadn't seen my dress yet and she was so excited to see it. The dress was a light blue with sparkles and it was flowing down my waist all the way to my feet. I walk down the stairs and I see a tear come out of my mums eyes.

"Wow... Jamie you look so beautiful. And all grown up," my mum says with tears rolling down her cheek.

"Oh mum," I say as I run to give her a hug.

~end of flashback~

I sit on the ground crying. I stand up and tell the officers that it was okay for them to leave because my dad would be home soon.

"Are you sure miss, we can stay till he gets here," officer Daniel says.

"No, it's fine," I mumbled.
The officers left, and that's when it truly hit me that I would never see my loving mother again.

I sit on the ground crying, and waiting for my dad to come home so we could just sit together and morn her passing.

I wait for a hour then another and another. It had been three hours and my dad still wasn't home he was off work at 3:30 pm but now it was 6:30 pm. I worried what if he go hurt too? I couldn't live with both of my parents gone, just then the down opened with my father. He was, drunk very drunk.

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