Chapter R: The Impala and the Forgotten Boys

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Sorry the chapters are so long. Each chapter had to be a certain set of pages in order for the chapters to work how I wanted them.

I’d leave tomorrow. I’d miss a few days of school, but with only a week on my record, it’s not like the few days would matter. I packed that night, filling the suit case with no clothes or shoes, mostly with chargers and a book, leaving most of my suitcase empty so I could bring back more stuff.

I told Peter when I was leaving. He drove me to the airport.  I hugged him good-bye and checked into the terminal.

After a long flight, I landed in New York. I saw Sophie. She hugged me and took my bag. I walked alongside her, happy to see her again. She drove me to the house. I walked in the door and was greeted by Greggy. I picked him up and he attacked my face, spreading slobber across my cheeks.

I set him down and wiped my face. I grabbed my bag and thanked Sophie. I went up to my room and opened up my suit case. I filled it with some books and clothes. More shoes and some more toiletries.

I laid on my bed, asleep in seconds, the Atlantic Ocean saying good-night to me, instead of the Pacific.

When I woke, there were eggs and toast sitting on my desk, steam rising off of them. I sat up and took a shower. The water felt different, less settling. I put on a t-shirt from my closet and jeans and shoes. I grabbed my Impala keys and my phone.

I walked downstairs, leaving the eggs in my room. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge then walked outside to the garage. I unlocked the garage door and turned on the light. The two car garage had one car, my father’s truck. My Impala was gone.

I ran inside. “Sophie?!”

Sophie ran into the foray. “Yes Miss Preston?”

“Where’s the Impala?”

“Oh,” Sophie looked at the ground. “Aane was driving it when he… I’m so sorry, Skyler, I know how much you liked the Impala.”

“Where are the truck keys?”

Sophie opened a drawer in the kitchen. She tossed keys to me. I caught them, thanked her, and ran into the garage. I got in the truck, opened the garage door and drove to the hospital. I walked inside just as my phone rang. “Hello?”

“Skyler, it’s Peter. Where are you? I’m in the hospital and I—” Peter walked in front of me. “—see you. Hello, Skyler, so nice to see you here. Have you seen Aane yet?”

“Peter? What the hell are you doing here?”

“Skyler, I don’t find that to be a very good question to be asking, considering.”

“Peter, did you drive here? No, that’s impossible. Did you fly? I didn’t think there were any more flights after mine and I didn’t see you on the plane. Peter, how did you get here?”

“I’m Peter Pan. I flew.”

“Peter, move. I want to see Aane.”

“Skyler, I don’t think that’s a great idea.”

Peter, you are not my father. Please.” I stepped around him and walked up to the reception desk. “Hi, I’m a friend of Aane Drake, what room is he in?”


“Skyler Preston,”

The receptionist looked at the computer as Peter turned me around. “I will not let you continue with this.”

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