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I'm so happy to finally share a new book with you. I have spent a lot of time figuring out what I wanted it to be about, and now I have finally figured it out!! This time there will be focus on everyone, but mostly Damiano because I find it easy to write fanfictions about him, but you should not ignore that the others will be more involved than in my previous books ;)


- Rome, Italy -

Eleonora Bianchi. A 21 years old girl who lives in Rome with her nonna and her two cats, Lia and Limone, in a small cute apartment in the middle of the town. She was sent to Italy from Spain as soon as she was born to live with her grandparents whom she calls nonno and nonna, because her parents were not able to take care of her and give her what children need at such a young age.

Her nonno died of cancer the following year after they got the responsebility for Eleonora, so her nonna is the one who has been her breadwinner since she was a baby. Words cannot describe how grateful Eleonora is for her and everything she has done to make her life worth living for. The death of nonno made things even harder, but nonna got through it with a smile. She is one of the strongest women Eleonora knows of.

Nonna and Eleonora work in a food market a short walk from their apartment. It is not the best job with the best salary, but it is enough for the two of them to survive. Since nonna had sole care for Eleonora, the girl basically grew up at the market with her, and when Eleonora turned 17, she was finally able to start working there too. Now they have been working together for many years and both of them loves it.

In addition, Eleonora has a passion for painting. She has had that ever since her nonna bought her a canvas for her 12th birthday. She mostly like to paint people, which is almost the hardest part, but Eleonora like challenges. No one but her nonna knows about her love for paint, and she want it to stay that way to shield her past.

There are many reasons why Eleonora lives with her nonna and not with her parents. Her dad is an alcoholic and her mom left them just a few months after the girl was born to do whatever she wanted to. Most likely drugs and prostitution. Eleonora does not know if any of them are alive to this day, but she honestly does not want to know. Her life is perfectly fine as it is right now.

Well, her life is perfectly fine the days she does not have to stay awake because her neighbors do not think of anyone but themselves. Every other day except those with sleep included is not that good, and there are too many of them.

The band next door called 'Måneskin', consists of three boys and one girl. Damiano the lead singer, Ethan the drummer, Victoria the bassist and Thomas the guitarist. All four quite arrogant if you ask Eleonora. 3 months ago they won the Eurovision song contest, and one thing they have not stopped with yet, is to celebrate. Not a day goes by without them having a party.

Even though they moved in 2 years ago, Eleonora still have only talked to one of them. Damiano David, the lead singer. A complete idiot with the appearance of a God. They went to the same class in high school, and from what she remember, he was a disrespectful bastard to everyone. She guess that has not changed.

Her hatred for them is greater than anything else, and it will not change right away, unless they choose to change for the better of course, but it will probably be difficult for four young people who have just won the biggest song competition in Europe. All they care about is themselves and alcohol. How pathetic.

Unfortunately for Eleonora, her nonna loves them. Every sunday they come over with homemade cookies and behaves like angles. She does not understand how they have time to bake considering that they are partying so much, but it is clear that they do it so that her nonna will not complain about the noise, which has worked. She has not complained a single time since 'Måneskin' started showing up at the door with their cookies.

Put more simply, they are sneaky assholes, and Eleonora does not like that at all. Everything in her life was so much better before they moved in. She got to sleep and did not have a headache every other day.

Anyway, although they annoy her endlessly, they are very good-looking. She can not deny that. Last year of high school, Damiano and Eleonora slept together at a silly party. She does not remember much of it other than that she immediately regretted everything they did, and since then she have tried her best to avoid him. Unfortunately, that became more difficult when they moved in the apartment next door.

And lately, both he and the rest of 'Måneskin' have stared to get closer than desired.

Next door / Måneskin Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora