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Just imagine that their conversations is in Italian, sometimes Spanish. I will try my best to write in those languages with translation, but I can not promise that it will turn out good, lol.

The translations will always be at the end of the chapters :)



Another sleepless night for Eleonora, another headache. The band next door did not send their guests home before 5:00 am in the morning, which led to her only getting 3 hours of sleep. It is not relevant to wake up after 8:00 am, she has always said.

Reluctantly, she gets up from her bed and lets her eyes slide across the room and back. One of her shelves hangs crookedly on the wall right in front of her. It immediately strikes Eleonora that Damiano, the arrogant asshole, has his bedroom next to her. She shudders of the thought.

If he had just stopped fucking everyone this hard, everything would have been fine, she thinks before letting a oversized hoodie take over her body.

On the kitchen counter there is a note from her nonna. «I'm helping Rosa with the goods today. You do not have to help. Take a day off. I will be home before dinner. Love you - nonna», Eleonora smiles down at the piece of paper.

Rosa David. Damiano's mother. She is a woman everyone admires, even Eleonora. Sometimes she finds herself wondering how such a wonderful lady could have given birth to such an incompetent boy, but she will probably never get an answer to that. Too bad.

From the top shelf, Eleonora takes down tea and sugar cubes that she can drink next to her oatmeal. She usually drinks coffee, but they are empty and she does not want to bother her nonna. The poor old lady has too much to do during the day.

The headache only seems to get worse, so Eleonora finds a painkiller from the medicine cabinet and swallows it down with water.

An hour later, when she has eaten her oatmeal and the headache is about to go over, there is a knock on the door. Her body immediately becomes stiff. Eleonora hates visits when her nonna is not home, and she blames her anxiety for that.

Silently she puts down the spoon on the wooden table. Her anxiety blossoms, and Eleonora spends a lot of time considering whether or not to open the door. It takes so long that the person or people behind the door have time to knock several times before she reacts and runs towards the door.

Once the door is open, Eleonora meets the eyes of no one less than the lead singer, the drummer, the bassist and the guitarist. She roll her eyes as soon as she sees the box Damiano is holding. Of course, they are here to save themselves from hell. How could I forget that? She thinks.

«Good morning! Are Ms. Bianchi home?», Damiano asks with a smirk. She does not intend to be influenced by his behavior.

«No, she will not be home until dinner, but maybe I can help you?», Eleonora smiles politely and pretends not to have noticed the box in the singer's hand which is most likely filled with cookies.

«We baked cookies this morning and there was a little left over, so we thought maybe Ms. Bianchi, or both of you, would like some?», Victoria says and tugs at Damiano's hand to hint that he should give Eleonora the box.

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