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This chapter will almost be as long as the last one, so get yourself some popcorn and enjoy :)


Red, black or green? Eleonora is trying to find a suitable dress for the party which turns out to be difficult as she has not partyed in a few years. It is already 5:00 pm, so she has only 1 hour to find the right dress, do her hair and make-up. Every time Eleonora goes for something important, she ends up having to hurry. But now her biggest problem is choosing between the three dresses on her bed.

The red one is kind of long, but tight. It has a long split on the side that shows her entire leg. She does not quite know if she feels comfortable with that around people she does not know.

The black one is shorter, but not too revealing. The neckline of the dress is deep, but it does not bother Eleonora as tits are something she does not have much of.

The green one is almost perfect. Maybe a little too short for her taste, but other than that it is perfect. It squeezes her figure in all the right places. She feels confident with this dress.

After thinking back and forth for some time, she ends up with the green one. Eleonora smiles to herself as she looks in the mirror.

With the dress and make-up on, she starts with her hair. According to her nonna, Eleonora has been lucky with her hair, which is obviously inherited from her father after the pictures she has seen of him from the years before the girl was born. It is medium length, thick and has a lovely dark brown colour. Her nonna tends to say that thick hair is something all girls want, but Eleonora refuse to believe it.

Few people know how difficult it is with thick hair, so maybe her nonna is right, but that does not change the fact that in the winter there are a lot of tangles in it due to all the headgear, and in the summer the hair sticks to her neck and makes it twice as hot.

Half an hour later she is completely ready. It is only 10 minutes until she has to be at Måneskin's, so she decides to walk downstairs in good time to say goodbye to her nonna. Since it is rare for Eleonora to be at parties, she is quite nervous. Her hands are shaking and she is a little nauseous, but she knows it is just nerves so she does not think about it anymore.

This evening she will try to have as much fun as possible without thinking about tomorrow.

As Eleonora is at the bottom of the stairs, she hears her nonna gasping from the kitchen before she walks out into the hallway to take a look at her beautiful and grown up granddaughter. «Tu sei bellissima amore mio», she kisses both of Eleonora's cheeks.

They have a short conversation before Eleonora leaves the apartment. As she stands in front of the bands door, her hands start to shake even more than a few minutes ago. Either this is going to be one of the best nights of her life, or it is going straight to hell.

She weakly knocks on their door in hope that they will hear her so she does not have to knock again. Eleonora can hear the music all the way out in the hallway, so she doubts that they hear her. Reluctantly she knocks again, this time a little louder.

Just as she intends to turn around and walk inside to her nonna again, the door opens. Damiano comes out with a big grin on his face. «Ciao, bella», he chuckles and gives Eleonora a hug. His expensive cologne rises in her nostrils, but she does not complain about that. He smells extremely good.

«Come on in. The others are waiting for us in the living room», he moves to the side so Eleonora has room to enter. She smiles at him and takes a step inside. Their hallway is filled up with shoes of all types. It almost looks like a millipede, but it may not be so strange considering that 4 rockstars live there.

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