Part 11

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"Y/N..." heard the whisper from the other side of the bed. Then suddenly she was on me, forcing me to wake up. "Ariana let me sleep," I murmured. "But we don't have much time together," she said. "We're gonna spend the next month together, now let me sleep. I was up all night," I pulled the blanket closer to me. "Okay..." She sighed and got off of me, letting me get comfortable again.

When I thought I was safe her cold hands came in contact with my bare stomach making me jump. "Oh my... Ari!" I looked at her and she was trying to hold back a smile with less luck. "You're not funny," I pouted, grabbing the sweatshirt on the side of the bed. "You should've seen your face. That was so funny," she laughed, not even caring about my pouting. "Well guess who's not getting any time soon," I tried to get out of bed but then she pulled me back by my waist, falling back into bed. "I'm sorry baby," she started kissing my face as I laid my head on her. After a few pecks, it started to tickle and I let out a giggle. Then she stopped and we were just laying between the sheets. "What are we doing today?" Ariana asked with a small smile. "Well you have a show tonight so not much. You need to rest," I looked up at her. "I've rested enough. You're finally here and I wanna spend time with you. Alone." She winked, making me chuckle. "You're addicted," I brushed my fingers along her knuckles. "Only to you," she whispered, giving a kiss on my cheek.

"First night huh... we didn't last long," Ariana said from the room. "I thought I would go much longer than that," I said while squeezing the toothpaste on the brush. "Did you?" She walks into the bathroom, placing her phone next to the sink. "Mhm," I nodded with my toothbrush in my mouth. "Well, good luck next time." Ari chuckled and before she stepped into the shower before she stripped off her clothes. Making eye contact through the mirror. My eyes traveled down on her small petite figure. She smirked and disappeared into the shower.

I spat out the toothpaste and wiped my mouth. "You're such a tease," I said. "I know you like it." She said. I was about to walk out when I heard Ariana's phone bing.

Should I look? I mean... we don't have secrets. But we're not official. Ah, fuck it.


Fucking Dalton...

Dalton❤️: hey!!! We still up for the date when you get back?
Dalton❤️: I found this pretty low key restaurant in WestHol maybe we could check it out
Dalton❤️: but the last one was dope too
Dalton❤️: anyways text me when you can baby

I'm sorry, what? I... no. Uhm... a-a. This couldn't be happening. I'm dreaming. Dude no... WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?

I quickly left the bathroom, closing the door behind me. My eyes immediately locked on the bed. Did she just ask me if we're gonna make it when she's... going on dates with this goddamn guy? I can't fucking believe her. Is she really fucking playing me? What am I supposed to do? Do I tell her that I saw the texts? What am I saying? Of course, I am. I'm not gonna stay quiet.

I sat down at the edge of the bed and patiently waited for her to come out of the bathroom.

My hands were shaking and my anxiety was high. Why is she doing this? She knows exactly that she can't have both of us and that I want to get back with her... well wanted but I don't know. She knows me and she knows how I am. Why does she need to fuck this up? Am I not fucking enough? I worked way too much on myself to not be enough.

"Can we get breakfast somewhere? I'm starving. Maybe we could check out a cute little café or something." I shut my head up to see her all dressed up, with her curly hair and bare face. Her phone in her hand, I'm guessing she read her texts. But still...

When she realized I didn't respond she looked at me and immediately frowned. "What's wrong?" She stepped closer and tried to take my hand but I pulled away. I saw the pain in her eyes but I couldn't care. "Y/N? What's up?" I looked away, taking a deep breath and then glancing down at my hands. "Who's this Dalton guy? Other than your real estate agent, because I'm pretty sure that's not part of his job to take you on dates." I looked up at her. Her face immediately fell into panic. I could sense how nervous she got. "It's not like that, we just hang out sometimes. I-" "text me when you can baby..." I stood up, speaking into her face. I moved away, grabbing my clothes, starting to pack up my stuff. "Don't do this," she started. "Do what?" I asked without looking up. "Don't leave, please. Y/N it's not like that," she came to my side, trying to pull me away from my suitcase. "I don't like him like that. I was just playing around. Y/N, please.... I just got you back, don't leave." I stood up straight with a blank face. "Please, leave," I said and one fucking tear rolled down on my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and walked past her. "Please Y/N..."

"What did I do wrong?" I turned around, taking her by surprise. She was standing there so stunned. "I worked for months on myself to get where I was two months ago. I've never felt better before we met again. My whole fucking life turned upside down suddenly because we said we will try again. Do you know how anxious am I about this 24/7? I did everything, if not anything to get as stable and ready for a healthy relationship with you or not. We were just fine until yesterday. And then you talk with this Dalton dude, all giddy and stuff. Courtney said he was just a fucking real estate guy, but guess what he isn't if he's in your goddamn bed. Am I not fucking enough? Are you ashamed of me? Or I don't even know what could be the problem. We were fine last year, we were fine just yesterday and here he comes. Why is he so special that you have to keep him on the side?" I finished, by now I was furious. I was so mad but I still didn't yell. Yeah, I raised my voice but what's that... "I'm not keeping him on the side. Y/N we're not dating, so can't see other people." She raised her voice and dude that sentence was like a punch in the stomach.
"Are you fucking kidding me? We've spent two goddamn months getting back together because the BOTH of us decided that it would be great. Do you even hear yourself, Ariana?" "But I fucking like him. And I was finally ready to open up again." She said.

"Then why am I here? Why did you bring me here? To fuck me and leave me? Ariana, I'm not a side hoe. Oh, and the best part is that you dare to ask me if we're gonna last this time?" I scoffed. "Am I a fucking joke to you?" She shut her head up if I just offended her. "Of course not. Y/N you were the only person who could make me happy in such a shit time. And I would never look at you like a side hoe. But I..." She stopped. I saw the tears in her eyes and even though she's hurting me I still felt bad. "He could give me my forever and then some..." She sniffed, not even looking at me. I was shocked. "My Nonna and -" She started, but I cut her off. "Your Nonna is a different person. Their relationship is different. They met at other times, it was a different situation. You can't recreate other people's lives even if you try your hardest. You have to understand that you and Nonna are not the same. You'll never have a relationship with anyone like theirs as much as you want it. And that's the fucking truth." I said. "Don't act like you're the only one hurt. You know how hard it is to leave you, to see you so goddamn hurt because of me. I can't spend a minute with him without thinking of you. I've spent weeks trying to decide what's better for me." "And you still choose him," I said barely above a whisper. "Why are you like this?" She asked. Her lips trembled and the tears on her face were unstoppable. "Because I thought you cared about me enough not to fuck me over," I said coldly. "I DO care about-" she stepped closer trying to take my hand but I pulled away once again. "Get your stuff and leave, please." I looked past her, not even wanting to see her face. She realized how serious I was so she let go. Grabbed her sweatshirt and walked to the door. I watched every step of hers, hoping she would change her mind and choose me but I guess she will not. She pushed down the door handle but before she left the room she turned around. We locked eyes one more time. What a deja vu... same people, different glances. "When will I stop being the second choice?" I asked before she could step out. Her big brown eyes were staring at me and I couldn't read her emotions. "You were always the first one," her raspy words rang through my mind, and just in a second, she was gone. Again.

Well... That happened😬 it's only gonna be better, I'm promise🤚 also... Short part, sorry about that🤍

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