Part 13

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Literally nothing but something. Sorry for the break, trying my best🤍🤚
"You've got everything?" I asked as I was standing at the door, waiting for Ariana to go to the museum. "Yup, let's go," she said as she grabbed her bag and got out of the room. "Nice."

We were sitting in the cab when my phone buzzed. I looked at the screen and my heart kind of stopped or at least missed a beat.

Seb🖤: hey, any chance you're in New York in the next couple of days?

Why is he doing this? He knows I can't resist! I need to learn to control my emotions.

"You okay?" Heard Ariana's voice and I quickly closed my phone and looked up at her. "Huh? Yeah yeah..." I smiled lightly. We're not together so if I'll see him, that doesn't mean anything. She was seeing someone while she was kind of seeing me, so I'm still doing better.

Soon we got to the museum which looked absolutely stunning. Roshad met us there just in case it got crowded. "Hi Y/N," he said and I gave him a small wave and hugged him. "It's so good to see you again Roshad. How are you? How are the kids?" I asked. "Oh, they're good. They love your music." "Oh what an honor. Tell them I said hi." "I will I will..."

We soon got inside, getting our tickets and grabbing a little prospect about the different exhibitions. We paid for, I did actually, Ariana let me pay, which is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so we booked a 70 minutes tour. While we were waiting for the tour guide, a couple of fans came up to us and we took pictures and stuff, mostly Ariana but they came up to me too. "Is there any possibility you guys are gonna work together again soon? Maybe a song together?" A girl asked and Ariana chuckled. "Maybe, we'll see. Y/N's very busy with the EP at the moment so if we do then it's gonna be later that's for sure." She said and I nodded. Honestly, I don't even know what's gonna happen to us? If there's an us.

The tour guy came up to us and the fans were all gone. He explained to us the "rules" and everything important, then we began our little adventure. You sure you're okay?" Ari whispered to me as we walked behind the guy. Her hand slightly touched mine, sending chills all over my body. I gave her a smile and nodded. Her eyes stayed on me for a couple more seconds before turning her attention back to Adam I think.

There were so many great paintings and statues. It was amusing how people can create such things. I took as many pics as I could, it was truly fascinating.

"I like this one," I said as we stopped at a painting. It looked like a scene from a comic book. So many people were there and it looked busy. "It's British Museum A Scene at the London Museum Piccadilly made by George Cruikshank. He takes a sardonic view of the vulgar hordes..." The tour guide explained. "It's very modern-looking compared to the time, isn't it?" I looked at him. "Yes, it is. Are you interested in art?" He asked. "We'll if the art seems like something you know... different, then yes, very much so," I explained. Saw a guy walk past us and I thought he looked familiar. Adam started to explain the history of the artist who made the painting, and suddenly I felt Ariana inching closer and closer. I glanced at her and she looked uncomfortable. "Everything good?" I whispered to her and she looked at me quickly, nodding her head and turned back to Adam. I peered around, seeing if there's anyone we should be worried about and that familiar-looking guy was still around. He was just looking at us. I understand it's Ariana Grande and all, but the privacy...

I arched a single eyebrow at him, hoping he would fuck off in any minute, but of course, he didn't. I cleared my throat and turned back to Adam and the others. I felt Ariana's eyes on me, but I didn't look.

*Ariana's POV*

This man has been following us since our tour started and he started to annoy me long ago. Every fan was able to give us some privacy but this piece of shit is just there, staring. I saw Y/N noticed too, her jaw clenched once she turned her attention back to our tour guide. She was annoyed too. Her eyes met with Roshad's and he gave her a sweet smile, but when he realized her upset expression and her eyes kept pointing in another direction, he turned around and saw the man. He nodded towards Y/N and walked up to him, Roshad said a couple of things, and the man just shook his head.

I heard Y/N let out a frustrated sigh and shift from her left to her right leg. Her right hand ran down the side of her jeans. I gently took her hand and squeezed it subtly.

We listened to Adam's 'presentation' about the different art pieces and at the end, we took a couple of pictures, before leaving the museum. Roshad was driving us to a restaurant close by so we could get lunch. Y/N was on her phone at the moment and probably was texting with someone. I didn't want to look so I just turned my head away.

"You're still coming to New York?" I asked, glancing at her carefully. "Yeah, I need to run some errands anyway..." "Are you still mad at me?" I blurted out. I saw her eyes run over my face and then glancing down at her phone, before putting it in her bag. "You can't expect me to forgive you over 3 days," she said although she tried to be very... how do I say this, gently. "I'm not, I just... whatever, I thought we had a good day so far," I let my shoulders fall, looking out the window. "We had, and it's still not over. We'll get there, I just need time." Time... again.

Once we got to the restaurant, Y/N got out first, holding the door open for me. A couple of people were there, taking pictures, not that annoying as usually they are.

"We have reservations for La Rossa," Y/N stepped up to the guy. The way she was just standing there... Her hair was in a tight bun, giving her face a slight pull and those cat-like eyes. The jacket she had on made her look so goddamn hot, like a businesswoman for real. The way her hands moved around while speaking was just way too attractive. I'm a simp, thanks for listening.

"Sorry for the mix-up, follow me please," was the next thing I heard before Y/N made me follow the guy. "Haven't seen you daydreaming in so long," she said from behind me. I took a deep breath in, feeling my face heat up. "It happens a lot you know... maybe you just haven't been paying attention," I shrugged and she scoffed. "We both know that's not true."


"I'll be back with the drinks in a few," the waiter smiled and left. Y/N's phone kept buzzing on the table, but she acted like it was nothing. "Aren't you gonna answer that?" I looked up at her. "It's not important," she mumbled. "Right... How's your book going? Is there anything new on it?" I asked and she suddenly got very excited. "It's getting into one piece, I can't wait for it to have some real progress done. Next week, due for the cover, I've been trying to decide what I want on the front but it's just such a big thing and I'm scared I might regret it later you know," she explained. "Well, what's the title?" I rested my chin in my palm, while my elbow was on the edge of the table. "The latest is Phases of the Moon... not sure about that either," she squeezed her own hands, looking very anxious. "I love that, it's like you're the moon and the different times of your life are the phases. Was that a conscious decision?" Y/N was just about to speak when I shook my head. "Of course it was, it's you we're talking about..." I said and a light chuckle left her mouth. "Everything has a meaning," she said and I shrugged. "There are things that are meaningless," I looked away for a second then back at her. "For example?" Y/N raised a single eyebrow and it suddenly was hard to breathe. "Uhm, you know... a goldfish walker..." I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry?!" Y/N frowned but chuckled. "The other day I saw this article about a goldfish walker, it's an aquarium on a rolling thing and you can walk around with your fish," I explained and she shook her head with a smile on her face. "Well I guess weird things come with you, aren't they?" "I guess they do."

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