03| something comforting

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Dinner was set to be at 8pm, it was about 15 past when all the guests began sitting around the table as the food began to be layed out in the middle. It was pretty causal party, enough people that they're could be different conversations going on at once but also small enough that if someone spoke a little too loud, it would get the whole tables attention. Clarke sat at one end of the rectangular table, of course forced by Octavia who sat beside her, there were five seats on either side and the last at the end of the table. By 8:30 everyone had taken their places except for two seats at the end of the table. Clarke not actually knowing the guest list, began to ease her heart rate as the threat of Lexa showing up, may not actually happen. Maybe Octavia was just stirring her up, I mean it is like her to play jokes that go a little too far. Octavia lightly grabbed Clarke's wrist, attempting to comforting her but as Clarke's eyes met O's, she knew it was because Lexa was here. In that second, Lexa and Costia walked through the back door and into the patio.

"Hi! I'm so sorry we're late, i haven't been here in ages and I genuinely thought I could get here without directions" Lexa said as she took her place on the opposite end of the table. Perfect eye view with Clarke.

"Oh that's okay! We're only up to appetisers" Octavia said gesturing the finger foods in the middle of the table. Clarke didn't know what to do, so for the time being she kept her conversation to the people beside her.

Unfortunately at 9, when main meals had just been served, the conversation drifted from singular groups to the entire table. Clarke sat in silence praying she wouldn't have to speak up but she knew it would be inevitable, especially since Octavia was playing her wingman.

"So Lexa, any spoilers you can tell us about the last 3 episodes of ftwd?"

"Nice try O, but all I can say is that the next episode is all about Alicia"

"Oh come on Lexa, I know a few people sitting at this table are massive fans of your show"

Everyone then looked at Clarke, considering she post constantly about the show, "idk why y'all are staring at me?" Clarke spoke nervously, "just because I've rewatched the show about a thousand time and maybe started a fan account, doesn't mean I'm a fan"

That caused everyone to burst out laughing, giving a sense of relief for Clarke, or at least until Lexa and Clarke's eyes caught each other.

It was weird though, she didn't feel scared or unsettled like she had the entire night; she felt safe. She didn't know why but they're was something comforting in those green eyes she had just stared into.


After dinner, many of the guest talked in their own groups, spreading around the house. Clarke, finally letting her self rest from her anxiety sat at the pool with her legs dipped in. She was on her phone looking at pictures of Madi, trying to consider if she was going to allow her kid into the ruthless industry known to most as modeling. She was so conflicted with the idea that she's denying Madi the chance to follow her dreams, especially when she left her to follow her own. Was Madi old enough? Old enough to stray away from eating disorders, keep her head up through all the rejection and possibly find friends in a sea of competition trying to psych her out??
Clarke was too preoccupied to hear the sliding door open and the footsteps of a certain brunette approach her.

Lexa put her hand on Clarke shoulder, gently letting her know that someone was there.
"Hey, Clarke right?"

Clarke instantly locked her phone and looked up in shock into those green eyes once again, "yeah"

"Can I sit?"

"Not my pool, not my rules" She responded, earning a small smirk for lexa.

"You've got a pretty strong person in your corner, I don't think a lot of my friends would put this much effort into a party just for me"

In that moment it all hit Clarke. Her eyes started to well up and she couldn't control the tears falling from her eyes. She had tried to keep her anxiety at bay but it was all getting too much.

"Hey hey, what's wrong?"

"I... I just feel so guilty. I mean what am I doing here? And you're honestly the last person I wanted to talk to, I didn't prepare myself to have to talk to the one person I've been enchanted by for the better part of my life and yet I'm ugly crying in-front of you"

"Enchanted? That's not a word I've heard anyone use to describe me yet" Lexa was trying to lift the mood,

"Well I wouldn't say in love, but obsessed sounds a little too stalker-ie"

"Hahaha yeah, we'll if where sharing truths then I'll have to say it didn't take much for O to convince me to come tonight. I really wanted to meet you"

"Wait what??" That got Clarke to slow down her tears, "after I saw you in Skaikru, I binged watched everything you've been in. All the short films, guest roles and literally anything I could get my hands on"

"Oh god" Clarke giggled,

"Look, everyone has an idol but not everyone get to meet them let alone be friends with them. So let's make each other's dreams come true and be friends together?"

"Yeah that sounds good"

"Can I give you a hug?" Asked Lexa as she began wiping tears from Clarke's face. The blond nodded, allowing each other to be embraced in their warm, soft touch.

"So that thing that you felt guilty of? Was that what you were looking at on your phone?"

"Correct, someone back at home that I feel guilty for leaving behind"


"Oh no no, I'm a single Pringle"

"Ha me too"

"I guess long story short, I made a decision for someone but I'm sorta being hypocritical. I left her to follow my dreams but I won't let her follow hers? I mean there's a bit more too it but I don't think you'd want to hear about it"

"I do want hear about it, keep going" that simple gesture of just being heard made Clarke feel okay again. Her heart returned to a normal state; she felt free.

"Okay! Well..."

The two girls continued deep into the night, giggling like they had never before. Talking like they had know each other for years. Together they felt so safe, untouchable almost. Like nothing could ever get to them because they ruled the world, a world where it's was just the two of them. No responsibility's, no judgment, no one watching, just them staring into each other's eyes. With the stars twinkling above, a slight cold breeze in the summer night and two girls sharing each other's lives, it was like the universe's plan had finally begun.

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