First Contact

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Doing this because of things that happened at school, and to fuck with my Discord server.

You sighed and closed your massive textbook.  You checked your watch. 11:23 AM.  Thank goodness the library hadn't closed yet, as spending the night inside here would be the last thing you wanted to happen

It was quite late, much later than normal as you had to stay overnight studying in the library for your Collage exams.  You yawned, feeling the fatigue of studying and lack of sleep that you had gotten all too used to.

Deciding to call it a day, you put your things away and head out.

You walked down the sidewalk for a bit until you came across a bus station and sat down to rest.  You pulled out your phone and opened YouTube.  Your recommended had a few interesting gaming videos.

You scrolled through various lets plays, A couple of shooter games, a few sports games, and eventually, some Minecraft content.  You watched a few videos as you waited for a bus, enjoying seeing people play what was essentially your childhood.

You eventually heard the sound of an engine and turned off your phone.  You say a bus come down the road, it's headlights glaring brightly in the darkness.

It's breaks squealed for a few seconds as it stopped and opened it's doors.  You climbed on board, payed the fee, and looked around.  There weren't many people, just a few people in business suits in the front seats, looking at their phones.  But, in the back of the bus you spotted a cute girl who seemed to be eyeing you shyly, darting her eyes from you to the floor.

Summoning all the courage you had, you walked to the very back and sat down next to the girl.  Up close, you could see her facial features even better.  You noticed her shifting in her seat a bit, still avoiding eye contact for more than a few seconds at a time.

"Hi."  you said, giving her a faintly shy, but friendly smile.  "H-hi."  she stuttered quietly, just enough for you to hear her.  "Normally I would ask if you wanted a drink, but we aren't in a bar so, i don't really have pickup lines, heh."  you said chuckling softly. The girl beside you gave a small, almost appreciative smile.

"Well, I'm glad you would consider buying me a drink." she said in a tone that was far to low to be a girl's.

The sound of her voice may have startled you, but you did your best not to let it show on your face, fearing she might get offended.  "If I may, what are your pronouns?"  you asked politely.

Her shy smile was dropped as she looked at the floor, almost disappointedly.  "He/him."  he replied quickly.  An awkward pause was shared, only to be broken after a few seconds as he tried to salvage the situation.  "Thanks for asking though, most people assume I'm trans and then ignore me."  he said, forcing a smile.

"So, if you aren't trans, then what are you doing out in public, past midnight, crossdressing?  You know, something really bad could have happened to you by now."  you pointed out, seriously concerned for his well-being.

"Actually I was livestreaming."  he said, his face lighting up.  "On Twitch?"  you asked, your curiosity heightening.  "Yeah, normally I stream at my house, but I decided to go to an event, crossdressing, to get some reactions for the camera."  he said.

"Oh, also I play Minecraft on YouTube!"  he added enthusiastically.

Some of the men in business suits took their gaze off their phones and glanced at you both.  He mouthed sorry and awkwardly turned back towards you.  "Wow." you said, your jaw hanging open.

You had never before met someone who streamed or played games, much less someone who was so enthusiastic about it.  "Say, I never got your name."  you said.  "Oh, I'm Finn."  he said.

"What about you?"  Finn asked.  "(y/n)"  you answered.  "Hey, could I give you my number so we could set up a date?" Finn asked, a slight return to his original shyness was in his voice again.  

"Sounds nice, let me get a piece of paper."  you said, opening your backpack and rummaging around. "So, what collage do you go to?"  Finn asked, his head tilting a bit to the side curiously.  "(University name)"  you answered, pulling out a small notepad and a pen.

Finn read his number out loud as you jotted down the digits.  "Let me just add you on my phone..."  you said, trailing off mid sentence to concentrate.  After a moment, you looked up and smiled.  

Finn smiled in return.  You both share another moment of silence, but this time it wasn't out of awkwardness, it felt much more like a click between you and Finn.

"So where do you live Finn?"  you asked, breaking the silence.  "Mmm, not far actually, I'm getting off at the next stop."  he answered.  "And you?"

"A few stops down, but not too far away."  you replied.  "Okay, so not too far from here."  Finn said, crossing his arms.  You noticed his crop-top was a little too small for his body, as well as his skirt being dangerously short.

"Can't find clothes that fit huh?"  you asked, trying your best not to look under Finn's skirt to see if he was wearing female underwear.  "No, my viewers send me stuff, I am beginning to believe that they are sending me stuff too small on purpose."  he said, looking down at his skirt, admiring it.

You laughed "I mean, you do have nice legs."  you said.  Finn blushed and looked away.  "J-just out of curiosity, are you gay?"  he asked in  the same way you had asked him before.  "Bi, but a feminine guy is like the best of both worlds."  you said, getting Finn to laugh.

"You like your men submissive and breedable.  Got it."  he joked, getting you both to laugh.  You smiled and felt yourself lean in a little closer. Suddenly, you felt the bus halt, leaving a slight disappointed feeling to surge through your body.

"Well, I have got to get off here so, bye!"  Finn said.  He gave you a small wave, stood up, and walked off the bus.  You waved goodbye as well and continued on your way as normal, but your excitement still never went down, even as you got off the bus, undressed, and got into bed, all you could think about was Finn.

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