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"ALRIGHT, BAILEY AND JAMES. Time to get up!" Phillipa yelled from the bottom of the staircase. She sighed when she heard no response from either of them and walked upstairs. She opened their room door and clapped her hands, "Up, up, up! C'mon! We gotta go!"

Bailey rolled over on her bed and sleepily looked up at her mom, "Five more minutes, mommy. I wanna sleep some more."

Phillipa shook her head and took the covers off of her bed, "No ma'am. You both slept longer than five minutes. It's time for school."

"But I don't wanna go, mommy." Bailey groaned as she yawned, "Can we just stay home?"

Phillipa rolled her eyes as she shook James' arm. Bailey acts a lot like their dad while James acts like Phillipa. They are both great kids but they just hate getting up. You see, Phillipa recently went through a divorce with their father, Steven. She won custody of both of them because their father wanted nothing to do with them. There was good reason as to why Phillipa divorced him. He was manipulative, toxic and possessive. She had to leave and she was happy she did sooner rather than later. James groaned and rubbed his eyes, "Good morning, mommy."

Phillipa smiled. James is the sweetest little boy. He's shy but if he gets comfortable enough, he'll open up. Phillipa kissed his forehead and giggled, "Good morning, James. It's time for school. Are you ready for your first day?"

James smiled sleepily, "Yes. I can't wait to meet our teacher, mommy." James and Bailey aren't twins whatsoever but they are born on the same day. Just a year apart. Bailey was light-brown with curly black hair. she had some freckles on both of her cheeks but they were only evident in the summer. James was pale white with black short hair. Phillipa and Steven both decided to adopt them after they found out about Steven's condition.

"Well, that's great, James! Go wash your face and brush your teeth. I'll get your clothes out, 'kay?" Phillipa told him. James nodded his head and rushed out the room. Phillipa walked over to Bailey's bed and shook her shoulder, "C'mon Bails. You gotta get up."

"I don't wanna." Bailey pouted as she looked at Phillipa, "I hate school."

"Why do you hate school, Bailey?" Phillipa asked, "Don't you wanna make friends? Also, it's only the first day. We haven't even met your teacher, let alone left the house."

"What if they're mean, mommy?" Bailey asked, "I don't want a mean teacher again."

Phillipa patted Bailey's head and gave her a light smile, "You'll be fine, Bails. I bet they'll be nice."

Phillipa let Bailey think for a second and then smiled brightly when Bailey finally got up and went into the bathroom with James. Phillipa went into their shared closet and got their uniforms. Phillipa enrolled them in a private school along with her friend's, Renee, children. She grabbed their white shirts and their black plaid pants. Girls would wear knee-length shorts while boys would wear ankle-length pants. They would wear white shoes or black ones. girls would either have to have their hair down or in a ponytail. Bailey hated the hair rules but abided by them whether she liked it or not. She placed their uniforms on their beds and walked down to the kitchen. She cooked up a quick breakfast which consisted of scrambled eggs and some frozen waffles. Phillipa thanked the heavens that they weren't picky. She poured some apple juice for James and some orange juice for Bailey. She smiled when she saw them both come running downstairs in their uniforms with their book bags. They sat in their seats and began to eat quickly. Phillipa grabbed Bailey's black bow and a hairbrush. She walked behind Bailey and started doing her hair.

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