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Trees fell down as a female figure ran through the forest.

The ground was all muddy and so were her feet as she continued to push through the branches that found themselves in front of her.

Something could be seen on the back of the female.
Or should I say....someone.

A baby.

A baby was found on the back on her in a cloth wrapped around the female. It was seen to be crying and soaked in tears as the thunder led out.

They both seemed to be in a hurry from a bright orange/yellow light in the distance.


The female slowed down her pace and stopped running to catch her breathe. She carefully unwrapped the cloth that was tied to her and held the baby in her arms lovingly.

"Oh Finley..." her voice raspy and her throat hurt.

The baby stopped crying to look at her and slowly reach his hands to her face. The female gently took his hand into hers smiling a bit. Finley giggled and returned the smile.

The female appeared to be his mother.

Just then, after they had their moment, she could feel the warmth of the fire not to far. She panicked and started to run with young Finley tight in her embrace.

There was an ocean in their sight, not to far. She recognized the ocean and the place where they were at and quickly sped up her pace.

There was a raft parked on the sand and a small paddle. The raft was small and couldn't support both of their weight. She looked at her baby and then back at the fire rapidly getting closer.

She sighed and moved the raft onto the water, then slowly put the baby on. She smiled and caressed his cheek as tears formed under her eyes.

"I love you...don't you ever forget that Finely.." she managed to say before breaking into tears.

The fire got closer and her heart beat beated faster. She whispered something into young Finley's ear and smiled sadly at her son.

Her grip slowly got looser and looser until she let go of the raft. Kicking it far out to the ocean.

She stood up from the sand. Not once taking her eyes off her son floating away on the raft. She could feel the heat getting closer and closer.

She smiled to herself before closing her eyes and and embracing the last moments.

Young Finley started to cry without the presents of his mother. He tried to reach out for her as she stared back at him from afar. She was out of his reach and so was him to her. The raft slowly got farther and farther until Finley couldn't see the island nor his mother in his sight.

After what seemed like forever, sailors came across a raft with a young boy on it. Once they figured out what was on it they immediately steered the boat towards the little raft. A man through out a hook that soon attached to the raft to pull it closer.

They grabbed a hold of the boy and examined him to see if he was okay or breathing. The boy seemed okay just very skinny and cold because of the lack of food and the cold air surrounding him.

They decided to bring him to their home and take care of him for now until they figured out what to do. They hid him from the rest of the town.

Finley was soon old enough to walk and run. He hasn't remembered anything that happened to him or any of his relatives he could of had.

Finley got tired of the life he was living and the people telling him not to go outside, so as he was getting older, he ran away.

Into the nearest forest he could find, he would soon live there and continue his life as a whole adventure. Not caring about the consequences he would soon reveal to himself.

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Hope you enjoyed the prologue!

Cya in the first chapter! :D
(I do not own the cover picture, just edited it a bit)
(I don't own the picture above either)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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