Insecurities: The Superhero Series

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hey, guys. this one is a mini series  of Knight being a werewolf. I know that it's corny and all but, this one you will love! Hopefully this turns out good, thanks and I hope that you all enjoy!

I was scared to look at them. 

The scars all over my body. Every time I look in the mirror, they give me this deadly feeling that runs down my spine. I have never shown my girlfriend my scars. She has probably caught a glimpse of them, but she's never seen them. I try and hide them from her. I know that I shouldn't, but I'm just so scared of what she will think of how I got them. In a time in my life was I a serial killer? Am I a werewolf? Vampire? What am I and how did I get those scars? How I got them was once a superhero. The Black Knight. I gave up being a superhero after I put my enemy down 6 feet under. I'm glad that I did, because after I did, I retired as a superhero to spend the rest of my days and nights to be with Y/n. Problem is, she doesn't even know that I was that superhero. She has collected posters and collector's items of action figures of me and didn't even know it. It's cute, but i still feel so ashamed for not telling her. Finally tonight, I am going to show her every single scar, and tell her about who I once was. I stand in the kitchen cooking her dinner after she had such a hard day at work. I could hear her thoughts, and read her texts, and in my head using my powers like Superman, I could see she was having a shitty day at the office. Nothing else to write about because I retired, and there aren't really any other superheroes to write about for the news column in the papers, she had a hard day today. I hear the keys  jingle, "Baby, I'm home. Smells great." She says. I see her in her work clothes. Gorgeous and sexy as ever. Her hands full, I rush over to her in humanly ways as ever, and help her out. "Go make yourself a plate and you can tell me about your day, Love." I kiss her cheek and she kisses me back and letting out a heavy breath. "My hero." And smiles at me. She walks over to the bedroom and gets dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants and puts her hair up. "Babe, there's something that I need to tell you." She walks into the kitchen and starts to make a plate. I have her set it down and she asks, "What is it baby? Is it that serious?" I nod my head and sit down with her. She stops everything she does and focuses on me. "Go ahead." I let out a sigh, and begin to tell her. "Y/n, Love, I have been scared to tell this to any living being on this Earth but, when I tell you things, I feel like I can blurt anything out. All the way out to the moon. But this is the most serious thing that I have ever told you, and I am done with keeping this secret from you. I'm...I am the The Black Knight." I see her eyes light up like the brightest light in the sky. Seeing her this surprised was actually scaring me. "I-Is that the reason why you won't ever let me cuddle you at night? Why you never take your shirt off around me and wear your hoodie all the time and complain how all the time you're burning up? How you always have a "emergency pizza delivery"? Why you quit letting me take baths and showers with you?" All I could do was look down with disappointment in myself knowing all of that was the truth. Knowing how she felt. Which is weird, because she's not mad at me or angry or anything. Just shocked. "Come here, I want to show you something." We walk into the bedroom and i sit on the bed and I take off my shirt, and show her all of my scars. Every scar on me. I stand up and she examines my body. Every light tip of her fingers going across my scars made me flinch a bit, but i still stand to her. "These scars. I-I've seen them before. I stitched this one up myself. I was the nurse who did this for you since you saved my life that exact night." She begins to kiss the scars. Even the ones on my back. "You could have told me about this, love. Before I started buying all kinds of merchandise of him all over the place." She was wiping her tears and giggling about it. She comes up to me and hugs me tightly. I have her looking at me by grabbing her chin. "I love you, Y/n." "Do you trust me with your identity?" She's my everything. Of course I can trust her. "Yes," I giggle. "I trust you, Love. You're my baby girl." I say and smile at her. I hug her back and kiss the top of her head. After we show our small bits of wonderful love and affection and calm down, my jacket pocket rings and buzzes. I have to go and save someone now. "lemme guess. "Pizza Delivery?" "You know it." I laugh as she tries to see me change into uniform. She was lucky this time to see me in my real uniform. "Wow, it is super tight. Like you're wearing nothing at all babe." She takes a glance and is drooling over me. "If I am not torn to shreads when I get back, I'll take you on a ride." I rush out the door to our balcony and begin to hover out. "Wait! One more thing!" "What?" She interupts and kisses me hard and tender. Not letting go and our tongues dancing together like a tango. "I love you." 

I fly off. 

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