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The green dot beside Avan's profile picture was infinitesimal yet it caused a boulder-sized bother on Liz. It indicated that he was online so, if she were to send him a message it would be very likely that he would reply in a timely manner or see the message at the very least. Basic fact, simple truth. It would be a very convenient time for her to talk to him if she wanted but she couldn't quite bring herself to type a simple hi or hello. 

What am I gonna say? What if he finds me boring now? 

In her mind, she lots of things she wanted to say to him. She wanted to ask him how he was and how his day went. Liz wanted to tell him about how tired her days left her nowadays but she would be sure not to forget to tell him that even if it was like that, she still went to bed happy at night. She so badly wanted to say that she saw a silk robe in the thrift store and it made her think of him because he never liked wearing clothes when he was in the comfort of his own home. 

There was so much going on in Liz's life. Every time something new happened to her, the first person she would want to tell is Avan. He's the first thing she thinks of in the morning and the thought that lulls her to sleep. But there was always something within her that stopped her from talking to him. 

He probably doesn't care. What if I just waste his time? 

 Liz lies on her stomach with her phone in her hands, consumed by her cowardice. So, she stays silent, staring at old messages from the last time they talked.

Then, as if the universe looked down at poor Liz and decided to have mercy just this once, a small message shows up on her screen from her favorite person. 

yo you wanna hear something rlly cool? 

Her face brightens up as a grin tugs the corners of her mouth upwards. She feels a giggle bubble from the base of her throat and it rises to her lips sounding like the genuine happiness itself. 


great! hop onto facetime rn 

Before she even got the chance to reply to his latest message, her phone rings and her own reflection greets her. She takes a sharp inhale before pressing the green button and as soon as she did, she was greeted by Avan's handsome face. His face was sombre-- his forehead winkled and his lips tightly sealed, eyebrows furled-- but as he saw that she answered, his face relaxes into a grin. 

"Hey, hey, Mcgillz," he singsongs. 

"Avan!" she greets a little too excitedly. 

"I have never heard you sound so squeaky before," he chuckles. "How you doin', cutie?" 

She knows he was just being silly. They've always been playfully flirtatious with each other, but they were far beyond their childhood now. It wasn't as fun as it used to be now that she was getting attached to him. 

"Where do I start?"

It sounded like a joke but she wasn't completely kidding. There were so many things she wanted him to know-- some things more important than others.

"Well, I've been busy," he says. "Who knew making a movie in the Philippines would require so much time, am I right?" 

"Ha-ha," she rolls her eyes at him, a smile still splayed across her face. "My schedule's been pretty hectic too, especially now that I was casted into that new series I auditioned for." 

"Wait, you booked it?! Elizabeth Gillies, you never fail to amaze me! Congratulations, dearest. I'm so proud of you." 

Now, anyone can tell you that they're proud of you but not everyone means it. However, Liz knew he was being sincere. His eyes spoke volumes louder than his mouth. They were warm and made her feel like the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. There was pride in those eyes that no one could ever stage or replicate. 

A Pocketful of ElavanWhere stories live. Discover now