Interviews and Answers

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There was no one in the world more charming at interviews that Liz Gillies, or at least that was what Avan thought. She was calm and composed, witty and funny. No question was too hard or too uncomfortable to answer for her, even if it got a little too personal for his liking. She always found a way to curb those questions into funny little anecdotes that worked for her favor. It was quite amusing if you really paid attention. 

Avan always liked watching her interviews whether that be as her friend or as her most constant supporter. He loved to see the seemingly coy but incredibly sexy smirk that would tug on her lips when she knows she's answered a question quite cleverly. The young adult always found himself laughing when she recalls a story or anecdote with her many little quirks. 

He doesn't know how she does it and only hopes he can be as quick-witted and well-spoken as she could be. Because despite him being one of the most articulate writers of his age, the young man found himself stumbling to find words once the questions zeroed in on him especially in set-ups that required him to sit still and behave. 

Sit still. Hands to yourself. Behave. Answer WITHOUT STUTTERING. 

It seemed simple enough in concept and it was simple enough if he was just given something to fidget with or a small toy to fiddle. It was easy to do if the set-up wasn't so overwhelmingly crowded with people, or with the many distractions. 

Unfortunately for him, today the interview was for some teen magazine that would help them with the publicity of Victorious. The set-up was right in the middle of their set for the asphalt cafe. Too many people. Too many distractions. Too much noise. So many things going on around him. He hated it, but he couldn't do anything but smile as he was asked to sit on the monoblock chair beside Liz. 

Luckily, the interviewer started with Liz so it gave him more time to try and calm himself down and try to give his attention fully to the interview. 

"Yeah, I think Avan's a really good on-screen boyfriend," Liz answers, subtly brushing her exposed arm against him. "He makes it incredibly easy to flirt. I mean the guy isn't exactly ugly, right?" 

The crew laughs and Avan laughs along as if he wasn't paying more attention to the blinking light of the camera recording than to his co-star's answer. 

"But in all seriousness, he's a good guy. I feel safe around him which I think is really important especially with all the touchy-feely things we have to do on the show. He's great," Liz looks at him with a smile plastered on her face, signaling him to answer. 

Avan feels almost guilty for not being able to keep his attention to the interview. 

"I-I'm sorry. What was the question?" he nervously chuckles, looking at Liz with a certain panic in his eyes. "You're so pretty, made me forget the question." 

"See? Flirt!" she exclaims to the camera, laughing. "They asked how it's like to work with each other as an on-screen couple." 


"Yeah," she lifts her eyebrows at him. "How is it working with me as an onscreen girlfriend, Avie?" 

He grins at her. She knows he didn't like that nickname but she also knew she was the only one that ever got away with calling him that. 

"Well," his lips spread out into a thin smile, "Liz is...Liz, she's...she's great! Like you know, she's- I'm sorry. Ha...uh...she's great!" 

A concerned expression flashes through Liz's face as she listened to Avan. This wasn't his usual demeanor and his thoughts seemed to be so scattered which was so unlike him. Then, she catches a glimpse of his hands on his lap, tapping relentlessly against each other. 

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