part 48

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For the following weeks, jisung had been waking up before everyone, at the same time as his lover. leaving earlier not wanting to meet any of his friends, he spends his days working, skipping breaks and meals, his excuse; not being hungry or tired enough to stop, he had continued his days with simple fruits he has at the begging of his days replacing his breakfast meal.

As each day passed, he only chatted with his lover, and the others broached it off, thinking the next day would be a better opportunity to discuss. when the night comes, and it was time for them to leave. Jisung spends his working, waiting for the fatigue. Undeniably, his lover disapproves of his new lifestyle and spending his nights at the workspace. But he couldn't bring himself to force him into the right path.

To Minho's disappointment he woke up without the sight of his boyfriend once again, and as everyday he would go visit him directly after his daily jog and bring him breakfast hoping he would eat it this time. And so did he did that day too. He entered the studio food in his hand. To see his lover still working on a computer, the meal he brought him the day before still on the table behind him beside around four empty cups of coffee. Minho had assumed that the younger had drunk all of it to keep him awake working on his music.

When minho entered the room, jisung looked at him, surprised by his presence. He had completely forgotten the notion of time. To him, it was only two or three hours since he left. He looks at the time to see it indicating 06:30. He turned back to him

"What are you doing here this early?"

"I brought you breakfast."

Minho put the bag on the messy table, deciding, cleaning It first before serving the food; gaeran tost-u (egg toast) and orange juice. After finishing serving, he went behind jisung, kissing his cheek as a proper good morning or salutation. Making jisung smile weakly, not taking his eyes off his work.

"How about you take a break now and have breakfast first?"

Jisung sighed and got up from his sit to the table, he knew no matter how much he insisted minho would drag him by force to eat and he did not have enough mental not physical energy to fight his way out.

After sleeping too little to nothing at all and barely touching any kind of food the boy was starting to get weaker, he couldnt stand straight and hardly was able to do anything by himself beside forcing himself to work on his compositions, his showers; he stays under water for an hour thinking before minho forcefully gets him out of there. With tears on his eyes. To some, the poor boy might be exaggerating, but he wasn't. he was only physically expressing what he felt for the past six months. His stress was more apparent to the public. The fear of losing his best friend was now eating him, and even after worrying so much about him, nobody could help him out, well, except one person.

Jisung sat on the couch assisted by minho. he looked at the delicious looking dish without any kind of desire for the plat before him. He rested his head on Minhos shoulder and closed his eyes.

"I'm not really hungry. Can I not eat? " he whined feebly.

Minho took jisung off him and made him sit properly, obliging him to face the table. He placed a cup and filled it with the orange liquid. He then proceeded to cut his sandwich in half and pacing it next to his cup.

"Baby, you hadn't had a proper meal since the day of our date, and it was almost three weeks ago."

To his word, jisung has accepted his defeat he took a bite followed by a sip from his drink, then another bite. He didn't want to admit, but the food was tasty. He kept forcing himself to ingest even with the little appetite. Next to him, minho was having breakfast to start his long day of work as well.

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