part 53

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Four hours later jisung wakes up in the studio, he hardly opens his eyes because of the light, but when he does, he sees a slice of his favorite dish on the table, he looked at it and closed his eyes again.

Minho has been forcing him to eat as much as possible, and he was getting tired of it. None of the diches he brought him ever ended up in his stomach. minho was westing his money and time, buying and cooking diches that ended up being eaten by bugs. He sighted hardly.

"Jagi, Im not gonna magically get the appetite because of a slice of cheesecake," he said softly by annoyedly

"If you are not going to eat it, please give me the money i spent on it," he responded jokingly.

Jisungs eyes widened when he heard him laughing, Minhos voice was not like it ever sounded for the past three weeks, or it ever did his entire life. This voice was sweeter and higher than Minhos' way of talking

Jisung got up from his position facing the older, to see him smiling brightly at him.

"Please dont call me jagi, leave that to minho Hyung, I would prefer prince, or king just my name would do too," he continued laughing

"wh-what are you doing here?" he stuttered

"Well, I kept hearing that you don't eat no matter what we give you, and I decided to test by myself." Hyunjin pointed at he the food in the table.

"I was kind of hopping I would not take it back with me,"

"I... I am truly..."

"I know" he smiled at him "I will only accept your apologies when you eat the slice of cheesecake, have a proper meal, proper sleep and tell me aall about you and minho Hyung and you have a lot tell me"

With no response, jisung turned to the food, taking a big bite of it as a response for Hyunjins deal. While the boy was mashing his cake the door opened a tired looking minho entered, he stopped in surprise when he saw his boyfriend savoring what he had in mouth, he tuned his tired expression to a bright smile, the biggest he had had in a while.

"Baby, you are eating!" he stated with enthusiasm. He was about to go to him, hug him, and kiss him when he saw a blonde boy with the corner of his eye. He paused himself.

"I've been trying to feed him for the past three weeks with no result, and all you had to do was exist to make him eat. Are you stilling my boyfriend from me?" he joked, sitting behind jisung still eating his cake.

"You were the one who stole him from me in the first place." he answered, not so happy about being Jisung's second choice now.

Ignoring Hyunjins remark on purpose, Minho warped his arm around his lover naturally, as if it never was a secret to anyone, making both jisung and hyunjin blush, it was the first time minho has been touchy with his boyfriend in front of anyone beside Changbin. But to jisung Changbin doesn't count since he has seen and heard things nobody else did before anyone.

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