Soul shattered into dust in the eternal night Part 2

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Dark. It's very dark. I can't see a thing. The darkness is eating me slowly but surely. I felt strings holding me up in air. I couldn't tell where I was. I was probably in the realm he created. I got no strength and my energy is slowly drifting away. The last thing I remembered was the screamings of soldiers and people. Just when I went into a deep slumber I've thought of Venti. I didn't know why I would think of that person, it doesn't make sense. I wished for a split second that I could see him just one last time and make things clear. Could that person be looking for me? I just want to know what these feelings are really are. I need to confirm that. I need to see him.

My breathing went drastically unsteady. My vision is becoming blind. My mind went dizzy as I suffer from the pain in my head.

Seems you've regained your conciousness.

"You! What are you doing with my body."

Oh you mean "our" body.

"We didn't share anything to begin with. So stop talking nonsense."

Still persistent I see.

"Don't you dare do anything irrational out there."

Pfft... irrational, as if we haven't done it this whole time.

"Shut up!! That wasn't me but you."

But I am you. It seems you still deny the fact I'm part of you. *sigh* how to make you understand...

"Fuck you. I don't see what's so about me in you. You fucking karma."

Wrong wrong wrong. Stop making up delusions about yourself. Don't you know I'm you in your deepest desire.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear a single word out of your mouth"

Your life is all a lie. You're getting weak and nothing can hide the fact you have dark desires. Desire is the sole thing that still keeps you alive. Don't give me that ugly look. I'm telling the truth. You just need to accept me.

"Shut the fuck up. I won't believe a single word you say."

Hahaha... you should really wake up from your illusions and accept the truth. Stop making up images of yourself. The Xiao you think you are doesn't even exist. *whispering* It's all fake.

"Shut the fuck up!!!"

My body was slowly losing me and the words he just said was resonating in my head. Convincing me all the things that happened was all an illusion. My head was in pain and without noticing I was losing everything. Those words were strong and just like a curse it lured me in.

The cries of the people I've killed in the past crying and screaming for help. Images of villages destroyed by my own hands and the blood I felt was again real on my skin. Every callings for help crawling up my skin forming goosebumps and forever will be haunting me. The blood on my hands felt surreal. This yucky substance in which stain a disgusting smell tainting you whole. No more pureness all tainted by lies and illusions. Still unclear what I was experiencing. My mind is playing tricks with me and I no longer know where I was. At one point I was in the memory of me killing off a village watching from afar getting it burn and the other where I was confined in a dark room attached to the wall with rope marks on my back, sign of whipping. That memory was probably the days where I was still under control of the evil god. My mind was experiencing a long ride throughout bad memories and it felt real. I could feel the texture, the blood, the pain, the wind, the weather and even the air I breathed. It was so real that I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or delusional. He was ruining my mind and is trying to take control of me. Slowly drifting towards his manipulation.

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