Chapter 5

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"Good morning mom, why do you look so stress?"

"Dallas, I really don't think Tracy really know what she dealing with and we really haven't told her everything ourselves.

"Yes, I know mom and I think that we should if we want her to go down this road and finish everything with us."

"Yes, I just pray that she will not be upset with us from keeping all this from her, we just as bad as her husband."

" Mother, don't say that we didn't tell her we was protecting her, because if she would of found out while David was still alive she would of said something to him and he would of known that it was us that saved his brother and came after us. 

" I understand all that Dallas but at the same time we let her be with a man that we knew sooner or later was going to murder."

" That, we did and that's the only thing I regret mother, but nothing else. We knew that he wasn't going to go after her because she didn't know nothing that's what was keeping her safe.

" I know and I'm sorry that she has to go through this now, but if she had just listening to me when I told her not to date him none of this would be happening.

"I know mom, but we didn't think that she would run off with him and marry him and leave home." I really think he had already put a spell on her then, because Tracy never would of done nothing like that without giving us some kind of head up.

"I think, he went after Tracy because everything that happening with his brother and you and his parents. Some how they had to get back at me since I had got you and him away.

"Yes mom I do believe so, and since at that time with Tracy not knowing what was going on she thought that you was showing me more attention and with dad just passing it was a lot on all of us.

" I know it was love, and once your dad passed that family was really going try to destroy me for they could have everything and be the only bloodline with the magic. 

" Mom, can I ask why you and dad kept that from us?"

" We just wanted y'all to be normal"

" But, mom we wasn't normal and we carry power in us that can change people lives.

" Yes, but we didn't want y'all to depend on y'all power to get through life."

" But, now mom look what end up happening to me and Tracy because of what we didn't know so we didn't know how to protect ourselves.

" That, is so true and I almost lost both of y'all behind the decision we made."

" And, now we have to teach Tracy everything and tell her everything to get everything to end.

" Yes we do, and we have to go to Jayson and let him know what's going on without David finding out what we doing and in the mist of all that we have to find his last victim, maybe Jayson might know who it is. I hope he do.

" We, also mom going have to learn how to control our dreams again, because you know that's how he going find things out that's what I think he trying to do now, because my dream last night was very dark and I think David knows that I know how to use my power and he trying to figure out what I know.

" Well, for right now I will cast the dream spell for the whole house so he can't get into nobody head right now but Tracy until we can figure out what he trying to do and how he trying to do it.

{ If you like to leave comments to help me with my writing I thank you} But I hope y'all enjoying my story so far.

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