Having the gang back

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Maka's pov.

" Well isn't it nice to have the gang together again" soul said with his bright shark tooth grin. Soul, blackstar,crona, tsubaki,and I were at kid's house celebrating the end of the madness the end of the kishin. We've all healed from our injuries fairly well with only a few scars and bruises. It felt weird getting back to normal one day I was fighting the kishin the next we were having a get together at kid's. It felt so...so unreal.

"Oi Maka" Soul yelled into my ear "Why do you have to be so loud" I yelled back "Gosh Maka we've been trying to get you're attention for the past five minutes" he yelled right back. "Oh sorry I just had a lot on my mind" I sighed "Want to talk about it" he asked sincerely "no its nothing".

I started to stare out the window looking at the creepy looking sun until I was interrupted by a loud yell " I AM THE GREAT BLACK BOW DOWN IN MY HONOR OI MAKA WE'RE IS YOUR SPIRIT IT'S TIME TO PARTY WITH THE GREAT BLACKST-" "Shut the hell up damn black star we'll all end up deaf by the age of 20 because of you" Soul said as he was in the middle of a card game with liz, patty, tsubaki, and kid. Kid was having a break down because soul dealt seven cards instead of eight. "That's how many cards your only suppose to get !!" Soul yelled at Kid "Well change the rules dammit and make it eight !!" Kid yelled back. "Hey Maka" someone said in a quiet voice. Maka turned around and saw crona.

"Hey crona" Maka yelped as she was partially startled. "Sorry if I scared you" Crona said as she took the seat next her (yes I decided to make Crona a girl). "Crona it's fine" I gave Crona a hug assuring her it was alright. "Hey" kid began "since everyone is hear what should we do now". " Hey bookworm have any ideas besides reading that we could do" Soul said smiling at me. I started to blush " I don't know" I replied. What was that why did I start blushing and why is my heart beating so fast. "Maybe we should play ball at the court" kid suggested "haven't been there in awhile"." YOUR GOD BLACK STAR THINKS THAT'S A GREAT IDEA I CAN ALL WATCH YOU GET BEAT BY THE GREAT BLACKSTAR".ugh why basketball a game I'm no good at. "What's wrong Maka" Crona asked. "Oh it's nothing I just don't like basketball that very much and I'm not very good at it" Maka and the other started heading to the court.

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