love that bloomed

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Maka's pov

I woke up with the warmth of the Sun on my face. My body is so warm, wait why can't I get up. I fully opened my eyes to see soul beside me with his arms around my waist. He looks so cute I don't want to wake him. I snuggled deeper into his chest then I put my face centimeters from his. Oh how I love you my lips were now ontop of his I quickly removed them what have done. Soul started to wake up "Oh Maka sorry" he began to unwrap his arms from me "it's all right it's no big deal" it's not as bad as what I did. "Well I better get ready" i said as I was getting up on my way out the door not looking back.

Souls pov

I heared the bathroom door open I saw maka leave out not once did her eyes meet mine. After I was done in the shower I went in the kitchen to find a plate of pancakes on the table. Maka's eyes were focused on her plate the whole time. What's up with her she's been avoiding me since we got up. "Hey Maka want to hang out, just me and you today" I asked. "Sure" she mummbled still looking down at her plate.

Maka's pov

Did soul just ask me to hang out with just me an him was asking me on a date? After breakfast since I couldn't read for the whole day (I decided to get my punishment over with today). I went over to the couch and turned the tv on so I just settled for this show called black butler so far it was good. Suddenly Soul came and layed his head on my lap a blush suddenly appeared across my cheeks. My hands started making their hands through his hair so soft, oh I love you. "What did you say" oh shit did I just say that out loud "nothing" I replied. He lifted his head his face was so close that if she shifted lightly their lips would touch "Maka what did you say" soul asked again his voice deep and serious. "I love you" I said my eyes looking away from his. Suddenly his lips met with mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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