Feelings all around

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Kids pov

We were all getting ready to leave but then I saw Crona sitting by herself on the bench by the court. I decided to give Crona some company I sat down next to her she looked up and I smiled at her. "Hey Crona" I said to her. "H h hey kkid" Crona studdered. "So Crona how have you been" I asked. "G-good" she said softly as a blush spreaded across her cheeks. She's so cute. Wait what am I thinking there's no way I could like her in that way. Can I?

Maka's pov

"Goodbye guys" I said as me and Soul waved goodbye. "I'm so tired" I said while stretching my arm. "How come all you did was stand around" Soul said but then quickly noticed his mistake "Maka don't" Soul said slowly backed away. I began to lift my book in the air "Maka" then I lifted the book down on soul's head "Chop" Soul fell to the ground clutching his head "death dammit Maka why" soul said with tears in his eyes "what is that book made of or better yet where did you get the book from". Well that's what that idiot gets. "I'm so sore you guys shouldn't have made me play" I groaned. "I'm sick of you complaining " Soul said then suddenly he picked me up bridal style." Soul" I said startled I started blushing. "Ummm soul could you move your hand" I said quietly. "Why" soul said his face only an inch away from mines I hope he doesn't notice me blushing. "Umm your hand is sort of on my chest" my face was probably now bright red. "Oh sorry I didnt feel anything" Soul said laughing showing his shining shark teeth. "Maka-chop" I let the book drop on his head "oww Maka can't you take a joke" Soul said rubbing his head.

We finally got inside our apartment soul started to head towards his room "Soul what are you doing" I asked. "I'm tired I don't feel like taking you to your room" Soul mocked smiling. He set me down on his bed He began taking off his shirt I began to blush. "No soul I can just go to my room I'm not that tired" I lied truth is I was very tired. "Maka I know you better than that I can tell your tired" soul stated. "But what am I going to wear to go to sleep" I added quickly trying to desperately find an exscuse to leave while trying to keep my eyes open. "You can just wear one of my sweat shirts" Soul began to yawn he then through a shirt at me. "Umm Soul could you, ya known turn around" Soul smirked " what's the point of turning around there's nothing to see". I should have given Soul a good chop but I was to tired to lift a finger. He turned around as I lifted the shirt over my head I threw the shirt I was wearing to the floor I kept on the shorts I was wearing. Before I knew it I was under the soft blanket mmmm it smells like soul. Soon I fell asleep.

Souls pov

Maka looks so cute sleeping. No Maka is my miester were just friends. I doubt of Maka likes me anyway. Maka suddenly started to snuggle into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her holding her. Oh Maka I love you so much. I mummbled as I drifted off to sleep.

makaxsoul: love x friendshipDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora