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You are a river
of unsaid words.
My heart's a cup.
I've said enough.

I see you there,
you're capturing
the sky, it's blue.
You said you are too.

But aren't we all
so beautiful,
like fading clouds,
like dying stars.

You don't get to say
"I know how you feel."
When the time I ached,
you were with someone else.

You don't get to break
all the dreams I made,
wreck the picture I painted.

But I'll be fine,
for now, I think.
I can always lie.
I can always try.

I'll think of you
when something dies.
I don't know who.
I guess that's life.

Last Saturday,
I dreamt of you;
a tidal wave.
I was saying goodbye.

Tarnished Tales Of Your Truest Lover // poetryWhere stories live. Discover now