Meeting the Boys (revised) || 04

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note:- kim brothers are brothers. which means tae, joon and jin are siblings.

also, lowercase intended.


it was a hot summer day; too hot this year. and the family had planned a nice outing in their lake view house that mostly remained unused other than the occasional visits during falls or summer breaks. jungkook is the one who is more than just excited, his eyes shine with an elated gleam as he stares out of the window watching the trees, shops and houses sprinting backwards midst the music playing inside the car, making the parents sway to the beat. jimin is quiet in the back with his headphones on as he has his own playlist and vibing to himself.

the car stops in front of a big penthouse. jungkook, with a wide smile, gets out first, staring at the house he missed so much, and the people even more. a few more cars stop by while jaehyun is taking his youngest daughter out of her booster seat. the girl raises her arms up for the father to carry her as he shuts the door close and smiles at the dear guests.

"jeon!" one of the men exclaims, stepping forward and greets jaehyun with a hug, "long time man!"

"hey i thought y'all be coming later?" he hugs him back, with one arm, holding his daughter with other as she stares at the rest of people other than the four she knows.

"oh my god, aera!" one of the ladies squeal, "do you know us?"

"i guess, she knows me!" a boy, around jimin's age, chimes, pushing his way forward and holds the girl's hand, who instantly turns away, burying her face in her father's shoulder, earning chuckles and aw's from the elders.

"ah my baby doesn't know anyone," jaehyun chuckles, "let's get inside, we'll make a lot of friends today."

"yes let's go!" jungkook cheers, glancing at the six boys who follow him inside, while the fathers and mothers are busy chit chatting, slowly walking towards the front door of the house.

"why oppa goin' with them?" aera frowns, tapping her father's shoulder who smiles at her and places her down.

"go with them, they're oppa's best friends." he tells her and calls for his elder son.

"yes dad?" jimin replies.

"take her with you, champ."

"sure" jimin jogs up to them, smiling at his sister who instantly lets out a giggle. "let's go, daddy's getting old." he jokes.

"i heard that" jaehyun sighs, making jimin laugh.

"old daddy!" aera laughs as well.

"yeah sure, old daddy won't get you ice cream."

"nooo" the girl pouts at him, "young daddy. get me ice-ceam pweese daddy"

"ah don't worry kiddo, if your daddy doesn't get you enough ice cream, you have three more uncles." yoongi's father says, making jaehyun laugh.

"let's go, aera" jimin says, lifting her off the ground as she still wanted to be carried.

"jimin's grown up," hoseok's father chuckles, making the boy a little a shy, "last time when we saw him, he was so young, i don't even remember, maybe 10 or so right?"

"yeah and jungkookie too," jin's mother smiles, "he used to cry when we left."

"he's really happy to be here, y'know to see all of you and the boys." eunmi says, glancing at her younger son who looks all lively around his hyungs.

jimin smiles too, taking aera with him and leaving the elders to have an even more nostalgic talk that he secretly wished to avoid for it gets too boring between recalling how the boys were young and now they're growing up. that is kinda normal, everyone grows.

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