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I keep having these messed up dreams...

1st I got killed by some messed up serial killer
2nd I joined a wolf pack that lived on a tall point rock column
3rd I killed my best friend
4th I was beat up because of my tail and then drowned in a pond
5th I found a wolf that I believe to be dead in my backyard and I could speak to him

Now y'all might be saying "Nyk, those dreams aren't weird at all!" But I never have dreams that I remember, like the last one that I remember was 2 years ago. I'm not sure if these are Therian related dreams or not... what do you guys think?

Sorry this is short but don't forget to read, like, and comment below your weirdest dream and keep it PG-13!

Also don't forget to comment your questions in the last chapter thingy!

Blessed be
- Nykalia a.k.a. Alex

My Therian GuideTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon