fifteen; walls

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        do you ever hit that point and you feel like you're just going to fall apart. thats where i'm at now. sitting in a pizza hut, looking at a giant cheese pizza in the middle of the table. i cant decide if i'm going to cry or scream. i might do both. i look across the table and i see nash just looking at me. he has pizza sauce on the corner of his mouth and he honestly looks adorable, like a little lost puppy.

"are you okay?" nash questions me.

"yea, i'll be fine." i speak. "i'm just a little shaken up."

"i don't believe you. you're not fine. but i'm not fine either. we both need a lot of fixing, but i think we can help each other. i think we can fix each other"

"that's the thing, nash. i cant be fixed. i have had so much betrayal in my life. i've built walls to protect me, and you cant break them down. people have tried, people have failed, people have left. how do i know that you wont do the same? everyone does. for all i know, the moment you get something from me you'll leave, and i'll be all alone, with nothing, with no one, only with my thoughts that are ripping me apart at the seams."

"luna, you are wrong. i haven't even known you for 3 days but i already care more about you than most people could care about anything in their entire life. there's something about you that makes you irresistible to me. i don't even know what it is. maybe its the fact that you will do anything, if someone asks you go bungee jumping with them, you will. or maybe its how your purple hair always looks nice. i could go on and on about the things i like about you, but i'd much rather get out of here and do something."

at that exact moment in pizza hut, i felt something. i could feel a brick in the wall i had built up, fall.


awwww, thats so cute. how did you guys like this chapter? let me know. im sorry im the worst at updating but i've been very busy lately. i promise i'll try to get better at it. i love youuuuuuu.

-julia :))))))))

song suggestion; wake up- arcade fire

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