chapter 1

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Today I was moving into my new house and its was amazing, all

the walls were painted a lightish pink and their was a living room with a brown couch in the corner next to where the kitchen door was and a coffee table on the right side, the couch faced the door, the kitchen was very basic, a small window was at the far end and the counter was below it, the oven was on the middle right wall from when you walked in. Their were two bedrooms, one bedroom was on the left side of the hallway from walking in, my bed room was painted red while the spare room was painted white.

My friend Sasha put the final box down into the living room, sasha had been my friend since primary/elementry school, she was was like my sister from another mother, we both like the same exact things. She still lives with her parents but soon she will be living with me! " ok that's the last box," sasha looked at her watch " oh gosh I was going to meet Dave at 1:00 in the city centre but now it's 12:50. Ok I'll see you later Hannah, bye!". I waved sasha goodbye and started to tour my new house,

oh yeah

I forgot, my name is Hannah, I'm 21 years old, I'm originally from Japan but for job reasons my mom and my dad and me had to move here, I live here in the uk, I live in the area called Edinburgh and I love it here, it sadly does rain a lot but I love the atmosphere and the food and drink, I started unpacking stuff like my tv and books, I currently work in a book shop called book at first sight, personally I think that is the worst name for a book shop, I like to read, like read ALOT, when I get back from work or have a break for work, I normally bring out a book and read for a couple of minutes or so.

After I finish unpacking the first box, I decided to take a break. I went and got my shoes and went on a walk, I used it as a excuse to memorize the place and hopefully meet new people. I walk over to my right side neighbours house and knocked on the door, for a girl like me, I'm not a very social person and I hate talking to people. When the door opened I knew I was going to regret it, the man looked clearly drunk and looked like he just had sex with some random chick, "Are yu ma second bitch to com today." The man's speech was very slurred and he was very scottish, "sorry wrong number" I said this and ran to the corner of the street until I knew i was safe, I don't think i would like to be friends with him.

I came out of the corner and walked to my left side neighbour, the door opened and it was a old lady who was very sweet, she asked me to come inside and have some tea, but I had to resist, I had a lot of work to do today and I think having a cup of tea won't be part of it. I said goodbye and made my way back to the house,when I just remembered that I have to introduce myself to my across the road neighbour, I walked over to the door and knocked, that was the best decision of my life.

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